Wednesday, January 31, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/14/2006 - continued - (Holy Day? Economics And Atonement? Making Sure That God Gets A Nibble?)


Popular Christianity 12/14/2006


Study Notes And Journal Entries,

Holy Day? Economics And Atonement? Making Sure That God Gets A Nibble?

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/14/2006 (continued)

Continuing in chapter 15 of 1 Samuel, it of course states that a first born animal with defect cannot be used as offering - though in this turn of instruction, it is stated that it may be kept and consumed in the home town - and further yet again, anyone ceremonially clean or un-clean may eat of it. ~

Again, in reference to the servant(s) being released - more so in the event that they choose to remain - it is described to pierce their ear against the door frame (where the commandment(s) are presumably displayed), and they will remain as your servant for life. ~

Another rather progressive aspect here-in, is it is said to extend the same treatment (and option) to female servants as well. ~

I find myself again considering the obvious beginnings of consistent value and commerce depicted in these past few passages - and further find in considering the modern dollar in near chide - seeing it from a perspective of In God We Trust then with a somewhat extended meaning in relation to the established consistency (within the inconsistency no less) when compared with the social movements and structure described here, and the resulting stability of commerce. ~

01/31/2007 Again, as note... I tend to see this as example of idea having been introduced into the human perspective long before it becomes presented and implemented in a most efficient form. The similarities within these presented ideas and modern commerce, are strikingly similar in many ways concerning concept. I do not tend to think that the similarities are necessarily purposeful, but more that over the years of development within civilizations... as humans have progressed, a more efficient understanding surfaced pertaining to such directions. Most notably in the presence of idea pertaining to civilization and society beyond the war driven versions of economy so prominent in recent history. To look at these ideas in the context of extendable potential(s) - again, for instance beyond the idea of warring and raiding that was prominent of the day depicted and even until most recent history... perhaps those initial human tendencies and drives were converted even through the further developed idea of commerce itself, into that which we now see as modern commerce (in the more effective and efficient examples). No longer relying upon the war in the spring time to drive the economy.

As further note as I continue my studies, it is reasonable to assert that such developments may even have begun to occur within kingdoms of the day as can be seen briefly depicted in the Story of David for instance... though eventually failed due to a lack in much of what has been socially constructed within the larger development of which we have the benefit of in the modern day - though apparently seldom tend to utilize to an efficient degree. Such of course as is observable, then rendered the cycling and progressive effect of rise and fall coupled with the progression of various forms of despotism progressing within the established structure(s) at a similar rate. Within the example of King David can be seen the progression from plundering for spoils to an established compliment pertaining to worth and value. Even the tendenc(ies) away from dependence upon the yearly war in beginning the exploration of use of celebrity for instance within the aspect of commerce, though still coupled with the idea of religious compliance.

I further feel I should mention the various mimicry's pertaining to both popular Christianity and modern economics in tending a focus on the result of marketing as if it were a driving force of value. ~

The modern atmosphere tending to give the largest consumer body (% of certain purchase for instance), the illusion of being the reason for value itself. These (those) particulars only having an effect on supply and demand, and trend in popularity if anything. Very much things that exist of the moment within that consumer mentality. ~

Things very much easily influenced with the very marketing ploys used to emulate (as a larger unit consideration themselves) the idea of value. ~

01/31/2007 I consider this consistency in the modern day - the modern version of society within the commerce/power marriage, and while it is that it exists to great extremes, a person must consider that it is/was by design at least to some degree - regardless of the extreme mutations which have taken shape. If not only in the interest of creating said illusion for the benefit of the perceived quality of living experience... then perhaps as well in establishing a consistent motion in use of it. A person must consider this from the perspective of considering the presumed attempt in establishing a Utopia in order to get the gist of what I am approaching in this small supplemental note. A part in the idea of Utopia would very much be the perception of such involvement to some extent. The sensation of being an active and integral part of the prosperity which exists. Similar in comparison perhaps with the perceived, though vicarious, sensation of being victorious (and even conquered) in association with sporting events, being admitted to a place of higher learning, some affiliation with a person of celebrity such as autograph(s), etc..... The perceived potential of importance through some relation acting as a similarly important part as would be the actual affiliation with such.

In considering the implementation of such Holy Day activities as are described, in such a consistent way - it shows the social transition in that sense of value from a person/group of people fixing a rigid standard - to a flowing market/commerce potential. ~

Again, though not to go too far on an economic bent - a horde of people wanting something can (and does in the modern day) effect the price of something. But such action (within supply and demand) does not equate to value. ~

Of course, in considering this early area for such potential - supply and demand probably began as smaller (varying portions) of something in the effort to insure that everyone could partake of that offering. Meaning it probably wasn't inflationary in that day and age of charging more if less product was on hand - but more in rationing for the same atonement price to insure the availability in those instances of many people and fewer of a given supply in first born food stuffs (pertaining to the interest in religious compliance as opposed to profitability at the time). ~

From that perspective, it is somewhat of an inversion of the modern motion within supply and demand. This obviously being that in most commerce settings - the product is predisposed to a certain size and amount, where obviously then it is the price that tends to fluctuate - the atonement amount so to speak in comparison - and not the portion. Which, if considered in the context of atonement offering - then would equate to an exclusionary result - which doesn't seem to have been the idea in such group like feasts. A selective dynamic derived from monetary wealth. ~

Of course, the comparison there is hypothetical in regard to common goods and luxuries - but it illustrates the gist all the same. ~

In the religious and ceremonial sense, there is more in the feasting and eating than in the act of purchase. Which again differs from the modern dynamic within that consumer mentality where the purchase is seen as the more important. ~

Chapter 16 in Deuteronomy again describes pass over. Again this version of instructions has been incorporated into the more domestic version of Israelite social movement, in mandating this celebration to transpire in the place the Lord has chosen for worship. ~

of course it is to be accompanied with un-leavened bread (called here the bread of suffering) and it is still a mandate to remove all yeast from the premises. Again, this bread is to be eaten for 7 days. ~

The sacrifice for pass over is stated here as acceptable as either from the flock or heard and is to be sacrificed as the sun sets - then consumed through out that night - none to be consumed the following day. And as well, the Israelites may not return to their tents until morning. ~

Besides this obviously being a lunar celebration - symbolically it could be seen as if they, themselves were consuming the first born (as stated) of Egypt on pass over. ~

Symbolically then likening themselves in that instance, to that Angel of Death sent as result of Moses leveling a curse. ~

In a further symbolic sense then - it would seem perhaps that they even liken themselves in said instance (as a whole) to God - but such symbolic representation/affiliation (if any) would only be insure that the God who lives and walks among them is then partaking of the offering(s). ~

Even further is seen here a relation of the importance on first born animals being the Lords and further being consistently consumed in such ceremonies. ~

It seems that is the strongest symbolic relation with the first born - being the death of first born in Egypt. And yet another duality here, in the first born being the Lords. ~

Are they then eating the Lord? ~

Are they eating the resulting death from the initial pass over? ~

Is it both? ~

What does that suggest of Pharaoh? ~

16:09 begins with instructions for the Harvest Festival to begin 7 weeks from the first cut of grain. Again being augmented to the designated place of worship. Though in this instance it is inferred that no travel is necessary in including foreigners, orphans, widows and Levites from your town, in the celebration. And no sacrifice is described as necessary beyond a proportionate offering of grain (presumably). ~

16:13 describes the Festival Of Shelters - and is similar to that of the Harvest Festival - and especially similar to pass over, being a 7 day festival. ~

This as well, as the Harvest Festival, required no travel and takes place in a rather common atmosphere. ~

16:18 again speaks of appointing judges and officials in all towns and from all tribes. ~

Very much within the idea of representation.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

STUDIES IN THROLOGY: 12/14/2006 - (Welfare? Celebration? Value?)


Popular Christianity 12/14/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

Welfare? Celebration? Value?

An Observation


David A. Archer




Chapter 14:22 of Deuteronomy again references tithes of crops, but in this turn of such instruction is obviously the augmentation to go to the place the Lord selects from one of the tribal territories. ~

This is then said to teach them always to fear the Lord. But such is almost immediately contradicted in then presenting the option - in the case that the chosen place is too far away - to sell the tithe offerings and go to the chosen place - then purchasing any kind of food you want as well as wine and any other alcoholic beverage. This in the interest of feasting and celebrating with your house hold. ~

This is without any question, early example of commerce and hospitality industry beginnings. ~

Not to mention further being support in connection to holiday as is recognized in the modern day. ~

Peculiar that firstly fear would be indicated, then contradicted with celebration. ~

Perhaps more indication of an existing duality. ~

14:28 cites a three year cycle in using the tithe for the Levites. Directing the tithe to be stored in the nearest town for such purposes. ~

It most definitely looks to be an early form of welfare as it was to be used for foreigners, orphans and widows living among the Israelites. This so they can eat and be satisfied. ~

Chapter 15 begins on a note that was probably the first of biblical commands to be left out of modern society and Popular Christianity - it instructs that every seventh year all debts to yourself are to be cancelled. Anyone owing you money is to be released from that debt. It is stated that such applies only to fellow Israelites - not extending to foreigners. ~

This must have some relation with the Sabbath year as well in having it occur every seventh year - and in conjunction with what is referred to at this point as the Lords time of release. ~

In that affiliation and reason (time of release) - is further indication of a cyclical aspect within that larger motion of influence. ~

Perhaps there will be something within the lunar calendar I will notice when it is that I look at it in a manner as to compare. ~

It would seem within that consistency - and further the consistency in appearance of the number 7, that such is a relevant reference to some other occurring consistency. ~

Immediately, simply in considering the fact that only more recently Pluto was seen to be in existence within the solar system, and of course in omitting Earth in that consideration - there are then only 7 planets to consider there. Perhaps none too coincidentally - all being named from references with that prominent multi-deity structure (a variation of) so common in other cultures and civilizations of the time. ~

Perhaps it is that there exists a cyclical occurrence transpiring every 7 years? It would come as no surprise. ~

15:06 describes yet further early insight into larger social consistencies and tendencies - in stating the relationship between controlling/control of a nation(s) - and finance. ~

At the point in time that this is stated - civilizations were only at a point of warring on each other and plundering for bulk spoils. ~

This passage almost - nearly predicts a time when commerce would be precedent over conquering and plunder. ~

Very much I imagine as result of the obvious concerted efforts in the direction of establishing such social consistencies as well as integrated structure and decree toward the development of commerce beyond the trade of goods. ~

Again, in 15:12 is a reference to 7 - this being in regard to indentured servitude and slave servants. Any Hebrew selling themselves as a servant, may serve for 6 years and be released on the 7th year. Further, the servant is not to be sent on their way empty handed as is stated in 15:13. ~

Then, notably as is indicated in 15:14, most all Israelites were presumably cultivators at this point - though it is as of yet that they have ventured Westward. ~

Perhaps it was only presumed that such would be the case? ~

In comparison and from a brief consideration - the time line and ability to release slaves seems similar to that which Justinianus had presented in the Roman Law Of Sale - It gives me pause to consider a closer comparison. Considering the obvious Hebrew influence on the Roman community, it would stand to reason that such ideas would travel as well. ~

In 15:19 is another reference to first born male animals. Again reassuring the agricultural cultivation and further stating that the first born animals are not to be used to work the fields - nor are they to be shorn. they are only to be used as food at the chosen place of worship - as it is stated in that point in time. ~

In thinking about this consistency being established - and further in realizing a problematic area which could ( and probably did) develop pertaining to the purchase of such food stuffs at the place of worship - it probably even began a sort of supply and demand aspect as well. This in realizing that the entire community of Israel would converge on a chosen town/place - though it wouldn't be possible for them all to bring the tithe offering in the form of livestock and goods. In that then, there would be fewer first born animals and goods even, to be used in ceremony/feast. ~

This of course, given a certain area were consistently chosen - would tend to enlarge flocks as well - and further then be left with even a surplus of other parts of the tithe - such as grain(s) and wine (beverages - liquid offering). ~

While it is that such exchange of goods most certainly did not originate in this example - it could be argued that the consistency and the dynamic (design) in which value found stability and support - very much could have. Most definitely the beginnings of a consistency for supply and demand are seen here - though as I have stated, other cultures (civilizations) participated in basic trade of various sorts as well. ~

Perhaps the beginnings of consistency in which to value a coin piece instead of weighing it, even further as result within this example. ~

This being a relevant point in the difference between value in such directions, and supply and demand. ~

While it is that they are relevant/related and perhaps even tightly compacted in the modern day - they (value and supply and demand for instance) still are different (separate) areas of consideration. ~

Monday, January 29, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/13/2006 - continued (More Purchased Atonement? Snitch On Your Neighbor?)


Popular Christianity



Study Notes And Journal Entries,

More Purchased Atonement? Snitch On Your Neighbor?

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/13/2006 (continued)

Later in the afternoon - early evening now and after a break from studies. ~

In 12:21 there is another aspect to the decree for traveling to the place of worship in an option - within the event that the chosen place is far away - to butcher and eat what the Lord has given in the hometown. Further in this is that differing from the offering meat at the place of worship - anyone can eat of the meat butchered and presented in the hometown. Whether they are ceremonially clean or un-clean.

In addition to this, it is stated that once God has expanded the territory, meat can be eaten as much as it is wanted. ~

I immediately call to mind the exploratory comparison I am doing regarding a relationship between modern food service and perceived atonement as a matter of course of existence at this point in human social development. ~

If a person removes the agricultural commonality of the biblical time - and then supplants the development of large food chains in the stead - then considers the various paths of/through development that society has taken - and it becomes rather simple to see the influence of this popular form of religious social structure on such progress. ~

Especially regarding fast food in a relation with the meat which either ceremonially clean or un-clean may eat of. ~

As well, this area within Chapter 12 of Deuteronomy may have a direct relation with the extreme degrees of difference between what is known as fine dining and the more common food chain restaurants. ~

More so even beyond that - the pre-prepared food stuffs available canned and in other variations at the market, and restaurants in general. Demonstrating a degree in development cycle generationally between the initial divergence of at home and at the place of worship - and ceremonially clean and un-clean. ~

Further in both areas of such social development is, as previously explored - the purchase aspect in the place of having offering of one's own. ~

In Chapter 13, 13:01 and 13:02 - it describes prophets among you and what to do in considering predicted signs and miracles which may come true. I see an element of this in a different perspective than many might. ~

Since it is that the Bible is describing such as a possibility - then further in considering how scarce the chance of trickery would have been in a society and communities with laws so strict as death being the penalty for promoting any sort of straying from that single point of focus structure - it then gives probability to the existence of a larger influence - even further than a common presence in other cultures of multiple deities. ~

This then supports the idea of having devised a means to concentrate such influence into that single point of focus structure. ~

Further in 13:02 it specifically states that action against them should only be taken in the event that they then attempt to ply such occurrence as means to promote other worship. If they then say.... very much indicates the line of separation being in the use of visions for other ends, than it is in having them and even making predictions. ~

It could also be seen as being a sort of concession in admitting that there are/may be other areas from which such visions arise. ~

Perhaps such is even in the attempt to encourage any sort of occurrences in that way - to be attributed to the Lord if it is that they are used as an influence? ~

13:06 is almost entirely a promotion of an informant sort of bent. Even insisting a person put another to death for such transgression(s). ~

Given what seems to be the developing social and political atmosphere - such a command could prove rather detrimental if unchecked within the social/political atmosphere. Tending toward extortion's and leverage instead of the apparent design in maintaining a close knit community. ~

This seems to contradict to some extent, the previously presented beginnings of a judicial structure - though perhaps would play into it further, in considering the established cities of refuge. ~

In 13:14 it then recants such extreme reactionary measure by then introducing the need to first examine such cases - facts - carefully. Specifically in regard to hearsay. This is presented in regard and reference to entire towns, but a person would think such reasonable investigation would be applied in other instances as well. ~

13:12 happens to draw my consideration in showing the Israelites perhaps not entirely as conquerors - but more, as observed before - as infiltrators bent on imposing their belief structure, and of course, as has been established - slowly expanding their territories. ~

It then continues in 13:15 to instruct the destruction of such towns where-in people lead their fellow cities astray - further, to cleanse the town with fire and burn the plunder, both as offering to the Lord. ~

This is unavoidably comparable to the fate which befell Sodom and Gomorrah - which then indicates yet another version of a relativity - points of contact.

This example version being a dictation to act in a like manner as something which has already transpired as opposed to the common examples thus far of repetition of instruction and revisitation of previous occurrences. ~

The Sodom and Gomorrah occurrence having happened in the time of Abraham - long before the tribes of Israel. ~

Chapter 14 is much pertaining to what can be eaten as ceremonially clean and what cannot - which of course all is then later encompassed in the idea of Christ.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; 12/13/2006 (Moses Wanting The Good Ol' Days? On Holy-Day? Sixty-some Percent Tide Flux?)


Popular Christianity 12/13/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

Moses Wanting The Good Ol' Days? On Holy-Day? Sixty-some Percent Tide Flux?

An Observation


David A. Archer




Chapter 11 of Deuteronomy again illustrates a few areas in the subject of chronological aspects within this work. ~

11:02 depicts a sense of distance and again the suggestion that the Israelites Moses is addressing are the very same that left Egypt - when it has been stated and implied of a generational cycle having transpired since Exodus, from Egypt. ~

11:03 again indicates such in assertions and references to miracles in Egypt against Pharaoh, which is now suggested were witnessed by the Israelites present. It even states Moses as referring to those present as having been the Israelites chased from Egypt. ~

Again, perhaps an example of transference? Perhaps an example of that folding aspect transpiring even within the actions depicted within the writ itself? ~

Then of course is the odd coinciding time line elements; They wandered for 40 years, but Moses died (supposedly) at 120 years - though in other works (versions of the bible) I have seen different references. ~

There is a suggested generational transition and of course a seeming overlap in the linear, chronological sense - an ebb so to speak. A motion a person might use in a brush stroke - perhaps with a pastry bag. ~

I have to muse at this given the lunar calendar aspect(s) and of course the lunar effect on the tides? Is it that there was a similar effect on those developments and the process in compilation? ~

It could be said that such tends toward that multiple/cycling aspect as well. ~

The human body is scientifically said to be comprised of a majority percentage of water. In a more sensitive time - and of course with far fewer pollution and interference aspects which exist in the modern day - it is reasonable that an influence of that sort was present. ~

Again in 11:18 is mention of tying the words/commandments of the Lord to their hands and wearing them on their forehead. This area being another example of that point of contact in the folding sense as it is nearly verbatim with the previous issuance of such decrees. ~

In 11:22 is a statement which, though it is of my own speculation through applying the consistencies thus far, perhaps indicates further application of the diversified aspects of the single point of focus within that inversion previously demonstrated as result of the multiple into single point of focus. This in the statement of show love to the Lord and further to hold tightly to him. ~

It would seem to present the opportunity for use in transference being applied to just about anything a person could hold to through the use more in and of focus than in the importance of any specific effigy representation. ~

A shepherds staff for instance - through and within the applied use of that multiple/single point of focus - could then readily be used in representation (as effigy) through concentrated focus - of holding tightly to him. Again, the focus and intent taking precedence in this dynamic over specific object as representation. ~

11:29 and 11:30 again demonstrate further divergence yet to beset the tribes of Israel - predominantly, as per location - those on the West side of the river. This being done in/through describing two mountains to be used for pronouncing blessing and curse.

One serving as a place for blessing - the other serving as a place to pronounce curse. Gerizim and Ebal, respectively. ~

I should mention that in thought, though to be separated by blessing and curse, they are both still mountains. ~

Further of interest is the instruction in chapter 27 that dictate an altar to the lord to be constructed on Mt. Ebal, and to be celebrated with sacrifices and feasts as well as the stating of curses. ~

Thus far, it is only pronounced blessings having been stated as issued from Gerizim. ~

In 12:05 it begins to describe another social change about to transpire in regard to a chosen place of worship - indicating very much a stationary place to be chosen and utilized in the manner as previously was the Tabernacle. ~

It is stated as to be chosen within one of the tribal territories. ~

This immediately presents another facet (potentially) in the power structure socially, between the tribes. ~

I should mention I find a bit of humor in 12:08 and 12:09, Today you are doing as you please, because you have not yet arrived at the place of rest. ~

This being a statement issued in reference to not yet having entered the land - It poses an amusing - suggested contradiction - in implying that rest and place of rest has to do with something that sounds very not rest like. ~

Further 12:09 on a more serious note - then indicates another fold of sorts in symbolism and metaphoric association perhaps - in stating that the land is to be a special possession of the Israelites. Obviously this suggests some extension in the direction of comparison being the Israelites as the lords special possession. ~

12:11 continues to describe the actions to transpire within the new social dynamic within a more stationary structure. Much of which very much resembles the beginnings of what we now absent mindedly participate in, being holiday. ~

It is stated that things the Lord commands to be brought to the designated place of worship must be done and celebrated there - only at the place the Lord will choose - again, within one of the tribal territories. To celebrate holy day. ~

This very much resembles, yet again - what was previously in our modern day, Mardi Gras (though obviously Mardi Gras is not a moving celebration). ~

But of course in applying the pattern of divergence becoming more noticeable - this then, over time - could very well have developed into various other, and more diffuse applications as well. ~

It even likens yet further - to modern hospitality industry movements and characteristics utilizing them. ~

Further supporting the speculative observations - in 12:17 is a decree forbidding the consumption of such offerings in your home town. Which even further then could be seen as a very early stimulation to commerce, as well - given that this included the tithe. ~

In considering the base motion of such a mandate - simply socially - considering - as in a similar manner with the applied use previously explored of the cycle (and fallow year) within leading up to the year of Jubilee - a person would become no less than intrigued in a combined use in application of the two distinct social motions. Especially in the use of that borrometer resulting aspect of applied ideology into a social atmosphere. ~

The immediate vision is one of vigor in a social sense, to say the least. ~

While it is that I am no social architect, the potentials within such a speculation are no less than exciting to some degree - simply as a matter and course of being human. ~

Friday, January 26, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; 12/12/2006 - continued - (Smelted People, Metal Poisoning? Obey Love And Obedience...Kind Of.)


Popular Christianity 12/12/2006


Study Notes And Journal Entries,

Smelted People, Metal Poisoning? Obey Love And Obedience...Kind Of.

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/12/2006 (continued)

In 7:22 of Deuteronomy, it again presents suggestion as to the very aspect of assimilating other cultures and civilizations in promising to continue to drive out other nations little by little - and then further confirms a longevity in plan through stating that they will not be cleared away all at once. ~

In 7:25, it states something peculiar pertaining to the silver and gold used for idols within the nations to be conquered. Stating not to covet it or take it because it is detestable to the Lord. ~

This is peculiar in regard firstly, to spoils considerations - then of course in regard to a transference aspect. ~

It signifies a discerned difference between the gold and silver used within the tabernacle, and that used for other idols in other nations. ~

This being somewhat of a progressive development from the previous division of spoils. Perhaps having some reasoning to - in that transference sense - what had been put into it in the manner for instance of Aarons medallion. ~

Odd that such would be the decree when obviously at this point, gold (and even trinkets) have already been accepted by the tabernacle - even as purification offerings as a share of plunder. then further this rings odd in the obvious plans in continuing to conquer.

Then further in 8:13 when speculating on gold and silver multiplying. ~

This would indicate within the juxtaposed positions - that commerce is then seen as a part of the longevity as well as conquering. ~

Perhaps even - purely as speculation - forbidding further plunder of gold and silver at this point even acted to inspire gaining it through other means - such as the development of commerce? ~

In another regard pertaining to transference - it is stated that the idols are detestable to the Lord - even the gold and silver they are made of. ~

In that is a comparison a person must consider in reference to the golden calf having been an idol - then further that moses then put the remnants of the gold used to make it, into the Israelite drinking water. Having them then, in the symbolic aspect - actually consume that which is said to be detestable. Then of course, it becoming of them in the same motion. ~

Would this then mean that the Lords people and special possession are further affiliated with some form of trinket or idol in the Lords personal presence? ~

They have recently been likened to something of iron being taken from a smelter to be made his people and special possession. ~

Such metaphor is substantiated in Chapter 8 with descriptions of punishment to humble and tribulations perhaps likening to tempering iron in that comparison. ~

Which then, in those lines of consideration could be seen as purposeful in the interests of a people to be used in/for battle - which then suggests perhaps that the special comparison - as I touched on previously, could be a sword - metaphorically speaking. ~

Then in the light of recent affiliation with the detestable metal(s) from idols, could then be reasoned a venomous sword at that - the sort which could instill and impart the detestable elements of itself with even the slightest wound? ~

From a scientific reasoning, having forced the Israelites to drink the gold dust of/from the idol, could very much indicate heavy metal poisoning as being a factor in their existence and relationship with that multiple aspect in a single point of focus. ~

They could have just been mad as a hatter. ~

In Chapter 10 of Deuteronomy, there is what looks to be a discrepancy at first pertaining to the Levites carrying the Ark of the covenant.

It puts this duty within a time line association with Aarons death - but, as has been established - the Levites were set apart long before Aarons death, with duties pertaining to the tabernacle. ~

They were said to have been appointed to Aaron initially, to serve in and around the tabernacle. ~

Further still, representing the first born males of the Israelites. ~

In 10:03, it then indicates either the use of transference or Moses beginning to get really foggy in his old age. Perhaps he is even laying claim to previous occurrences?

This of course, in stating that he built the Ark of acacia wood - when actually it is that Bezalel actually did the crafting of the Ark in Exodus 37. ~

In 10:12, there is yet more suggesting the multiple influences within the single point of focus in a change in tone and timbre from the smelter forged people of iron - conquerors, to that of a call to love and obedience.

A tone which is hardly of that which comes from the heart of fire and heart of darkness. ~

The instruction(s) itself in this instance, is uncharacteristically void of impending doom upon violations of the instruction. In fact, it is only stated to obey these commands for their own good. ~

In 10:22, there is an interesting statement in presenting the Israelites as only having been 70 people when they first went to Egypt. ~

Given that such constrained isolation and similar intentions weren't present at the time - a person then has to see a deeper difference between the Israelite structure pertaining to a single point of focus - and the surrounding area. ~

Given that Lot and Esau are from similar backgrounds - such then lends even further to the subtle difference in such single point of focus systems - simply as a matter of course from the previous influence(s) being entirely of a multiple deity structure.

Perhaps, within those subtle differences of Lot, Esau and the Israelites, is a representation of subtle differences within and between the previous multiple deities?

Perhaps even consisting of a motion which could liken to a cycle of sorts pertaining to the (or similar) aspects those separate representations were set forward to address? This within each division (Lot, Esau and Israelites), then as well, between the relation to one another within that larger motion? Each consisting at any given time, of greater or lesser percentages of such influences? ~

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; 12/12/2006 (A Sociological Trojan Horse?)


Popular Christianity 12/12/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Continuing in the 6th Chapter of Deuteronomy, I find a curious thought in the combined use of the common statement in God lives among you and something in 6:18 pertaining to doing right and good in the Lords sight. ~

This again alludes to a multiple aspect - at least a duality of some sort in suggesting that perhaps God isn't always watching - which then gives more support to the idea within the idea of among you, that perhaps the embodiment can/could actually be/been seen as contained and therefor isolated (limited in vision so to speak). Perhaps even as result in consideration, of that/those efforts in a single point of focus as well as the consistency of concentrating that point of focus through ceremony. ~

The manipulation and containment of connectivity of sorts? ~

Doing right and good in the Lords sight can also be interpreted as mandating - as previously explored - the fulfilment even of those commands issued as curse and prediction. Much similar to the mandate of fulfilling all of the Lords commands... but yet a bit further in making sure that such transpires where the Lord can easily see it as having been done. Such definitely lends a more intriguing aspect to that of duality and further even - as previously examined - seems to coincide with the symbolic split and representation between the mountain dedicated to blessings and that dedicated to curse.

In 6:20 of Deuteronomy, there is more evidence of the surrogate aspect in stating instructions in a way that suggests the Lord will not always be in the same relationship and capacity as is suggested in the current time frame; This as well could be insight into another, larger progression - if not the duality I have explored within the multiple aspects. ~

Why would the Lord not remain consistently among his chosen people? ~

Why would the Lord not remain entirely consistent and constant? ~

This in conjunction with the no less than two other variations of this single point of focus manner of worship (Lot and Esau)- is itself reason to consider the potential duality and multiple aspects - then further, the motion within/of a larger cycle. The difference between the motion of and within our galaxy, and the motion of our galaxy in/on its path through the universe. ~

In Chapter 7 of Deuteronomy, it speaks as though in a past - future tense pertaining to the people having once occupied the land the Israelites are about to enter - complete with more instruction(s) to completely destroy each of them - to show them no mercy even.

As another point of interest - there are listed 7 nations yet to be destroyed at that point - which then indicates again, the marauding tendencies of the community of Israel. ~

Further, this again bolsters the Eastern tribes as a power area - given that these instructions are as if to those going to the West side of the river. This then would indicate more of the soldiering to be done by those much nearer the prospective enemies. ~

It then shows more segregated and genocide like qualities in forbidding the inter-marriage of those nations people (even being conquered) and the Israelites. I presume this was in the interest of preserving and maintaining the newly established belief structure - probably more so than than the interest of preserving blood lines at that point - but, it would seem that from this consistency as it developed through other nations, that the issue of blood line(s) was developed. Then of course, as was discovered through the extreme application of such concerns - new blood is necessary for basic health in reproduction and familial environments. ~

Such is something that tells me the initial intention was in preserving the social and belief structure more so than the strict adherence to such instruction regarding interests in blood line. ~

It is possible then, in that consideration - that the blood line interests (especially in those historic detrimental extremes) was a byproduct of the application of belief structure (within this example social development at least). ~

Aspects of such concerns for structure are evident in a sort of self comparison when examining the efficiency with which this belief structure then infiltrated those structures of nations having conquered it. ~

A sociological Trojan Horse, so to speak in some instances. ~

Then of course, within that interaction producing variations which can still be seen in the modern day. This, in addition to the remaining consistency(ies) of the initial belief structure as it continued to develop. ~

Perhaps in that then, it could be said as an illustration of the resulting effect within that multiple aspect seen as a single point of focus? In the larger sense, the resulting derivatives (presumably from the 3 variations -Jacob{Israel}, Esau, Lot) then representing the more subtle differences within that multiple aspect in result socially - and even between the 3 initial variations presented within the work called the bible? ~

Further in this consideration, is then the effect of those variations of worship related to idols - further yet, the consideration of the Israelites seeming to be encouraged to some degree, though through a contrary sense in curse/prediction, to participate in such forms. The consistency being that they fall away from the Lord for some time, then apparently again return. It can be safely presumed that within such a motion, it was consistent that only certain areas of the Israelite population strayed to such a degree. Always leaving a base area within the social structure. ~

It is known with cultivation, that spores on the seed of another plant life can cause mutations - such then is a similar effect in a larger, ongoing process. ~

In that then, have we retarded our potential progress in those imposed/over controlled instances in progressively removing ourselves from the larger motion of it as it transpires in that non-linear fashion? ~

In Chapter 7:07, it states that the Israelites were chosen because they were the smallest nation - chosen because the Lord loved them and was keeping the oath sworn to their ancestors. ~

In 7:09, it then states that said oath (covenant) is kept for a thousand generations. ~

It was a long time ago that this is said to have transpired and over 2000 years since Christ. ~

What then was to transpire after the 1000 generations? Is it here as well that the idea of Christ serves an unseen, extended service? ~

In such a statement, though at the time 1000 generations probably seemed like forever, is the obvious reasoning that the covenant with the Lord would not be eternally in the literal sense - only for 1000 generations. ~

Is it then that the conquering was to serve another purpose beyond the promise of land in which to live? ~

Thursday, January 25, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY - 12/11/2006 (Commands Were Just Too Difficult to Fit On A Business Card?)


Popular Christianity 12/11/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Deuteronomy 6 begins with more instruction to obey commands the Lord has presented - 6:06 mentions to fill conversations with them when possible. When going to bed and getting up in the morning, which seems to be the beginnings of the common practice of prayer regarding popular Christianity - though it is a widely practiced event to perform such daily ritual. ~

6:08 states in metaphor presumably, to tie them on your hands and wear them on your foreheads as reminders (concerning the commands). ~

I immediately had, yet again - the thought of the more modern rosary and its functions for prayer where the reference to forehead seems to liken to an affiliation with the medallion of the head priest (previously Aaron). ~

Knowing of its function then further presents the potential transference aspect. ~

Though it is a bit of a stretch, the reference in 6:09 to writing them on the door post seems as though it could have a relation to the development of modern addresses. Seeing as each home would most likely have displayed variations of such in that time period. Simply then perhaps progressing with the spread in popularity of such practices through the popularity of Christianity and developing eventually to the more common means of house addresses used. ~

There is another relative aspect in the display of commands on the door post in that part of accepting an alien - a foreigner - into their midst - the person was to be taken to the door post and have their ear pierced with an awl against it. Most definitely a connection in symbolism with such ceremony. ~

In 6:10 of Deuteronomy, it then describes further pirate like aspects of the recent Israelite actions in stating that the land they are about to enter, has large prosperous cities that they did not build. Houses richly stocked with goods they did not produce. ~

An odd aspect considering the previous focus on cultivation, commerce - similar aspects of domestication. ~

Maybe this is more evidence of that split between tribes?

Perhaps those he wasn't necessarily speaking to - those remaining in the East part of the land - were more the dominant cultivators? Seeing perhaps the larger body going to the Western side of the river, to be less industrious in those ways?

It definitely presents (and presents them) as more the consumer than the producer.

It continues to solidify an attribute of this in stating that after they have eaten their fill of this land, not to forget the Lord. ~

6:14 poses a question with reasserting the commitment to God, in stating stating that the Israelites are not to worship the gods of the neighboring nations. ~

What then of the god that Esau's descendants worship, and those of Lot in the same respect?

This presents that multiple facet once again (though slightly in a different manner) and may allude to a containment in reference to the previously explored variations aspect on that larger level - pertaining to elemental (fire, water, ice....) divisions?

Most definitely indicates some form of division in that sense - which ever it may be. ~

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