Wednesday, February 28, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/22/2006 (Standards Set For Failure? More Comparison And Consideration Of The Idea Of Christ As Result Of A Developed Chain Of


Popular Christianity 12/22/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




29:23 of Deuteronomy then depicts a rather ominous chain of events which could be seen from modern perspectives as having told the future to some extent - which then gives a person reason to consider several things really. More especially in again considering the intention of such strenuous guidelines as prospectively setting up the failure of the people? ~

Further perhaps, beyond being an instruction book - actually filling the purpose of a battle ground of sorts between the extremes presented within it. ~

Not even so much as utilizing the apparent motion in that movement I have noted within it - but only having been a manifest of those extremes in/from some perspectives - which then lead to the extreme measure within its continuation with and through the introduction of Christ?

02/15/2007 As a note to maintain a sense of consistency here, these thoughts regarding the introduction of Christ are very much from the perspective of consideration of the work from the current perspective in thought in study within the book of Deuteronomy. It is still some time within that linear consideration of this work, before the figure of Christ is to be introduced.

From a more distant consideration in an abstract sense - considering the results having transpired, even with the rather diligent maintenance of many rituals within it from the most ancient times - it could be reasoned as perhaps even been a ploy to render such results?

I realize that is an extreme consideration - and within it is an assumption of god having some sort of political agenda beyond that being topically discerned within the pages of the bible. ~

I am more inclined, within that abstract consideration - to see such potential as having been as result of the obvious extremes within that multiple potential. Perhaps in considering the proposed motion, even the work itself having been rendered as a result of a larger struggle - the stream of it being rendered in our perception as it has been presented thus far. ~

Further, something of the sort is supported in stating that the curses and blessings will transpire - this being stated without regard to atonement and other effort to comply. Matter of factly - as if such were un-avoidable. ~

29:23 definitely stands as another point of contact sort of example - though such is a unique example thus far in the context of it being of destruction - Sodom and Gomorrah being cited in comparison to the impending results of the curses at the time. ~

29:28 bears striking resemblance to two notable movements of people I can immediately recall - one of them being the shipment of prisoners from Europe to Australia - and the other of course (as I am exploring currently) being a rather involved and ongoing version known as the United States of America, in the form of populating the country with refugees from others. ~

In another sense when considering the consistencies presented thus far - and further, the progressive aspect of such consistencies - it then presents the potential that within these descriptions of curses to transpire - is the culmination of that progressive consistency eventually onto the Israelites themselves, as a matter of the consistencies, themselves. ~

As previously explored in connection with Jacob/Israel/Aaron/Moses/Jesus - there is a growing progression in the scapegoat sense.

More so, in the place where sins are contained and then remedied presumably. ~

Perhaps it is in that progression eventually culminating, that such curses will happen to all of the tribes of Israelites? ~

The Israelites then, from our perspective in modern society according to these passages - will eventually serve the same purpose as Christ within that progression. Then, as is described in chapter 30 to some degree - again being resurrected so to speak. ~

At this point in the work then, it seems silly to attempt any sort of total compliance given the tone of it being so matter of fact - and further then is its own examples of paradox.

In commitment to such writ, is then the commitment to such as said curses transpiring as well. Especially within the commitment level in attempts at compliance. ~

This paradox then lends different light to the idea of Christ as well - especially in considering the commitment level aspect as well as the perception in approach and application.

To believe and attempt compliance (total, unquestionable compliance), is to believe and bring the result of curses.

02/15/2007 To further note thought as I transpose this entry, such then as with much of the work considered in a larger sense, seems very much to be of human tendency. as a person may watch a child playing.. perhaps doing things they know from previous instruction not to do, then attempting to conceal it in the effort to comply - such then could be reasoned as the common approach of most people - which of course then presents the need to accommodate - an area so to speak, where in such mysterious occurrences (as everyone is obviously in compliance, right?) can be addressed - thus rendering the larger duality in the social sense as is demonstrated in separating the Israelites between the Mountains pertaining to curse and blessings. Through said transference, it could be said that the average, everyday transgressions are minimized to some degree.

This then, in Christs acts of/in rebellion even to the scriptures - is of said scriptures!

Beyond what may be the attempts to break those curses and beyond even establishing a doorway through them. ~

Considering the dynamic of this within the social progression and developments - it then presents areas where envious attitudes would manifest in seeing the successes of others (as is human tendency). Especially considering the facet presented of too much effort (want as it were) to get the prizes seemingly promised for compliance - actually brought about the curses in as much haste as was applied in attempts to win the prizes - further and more quickly then I assume, with ulterior motive(s) present.

02/15/2007 As noted within these thoughts in several places, it can be seen here that this seems to be an ideology to facilitate everyday existence - at least in having such potential within/of it - but of course, as per those human tendencies, the various forms of abuses have manifested and remained a part of it... though, I would even argue that such tendencies are very much considered as can be seen within the depiction of Saul among others.

In some respects within the developments since Christ, such a tendency in progression and of course in considering the aspect of furtherance through being conquered - it lends the Romans the role of fall guy beyond even, having crucified Christ. ~

It further presents a rather simplistic though seemingly effective hell of sorts - this through the immediate confusion a person might have in finding as many curse as rewards for over diligent effort in compliance - seeing as the work itself is both blessings and curses. Especially for those complying to such extremes only in the effort of procuring a reward - further, in the effort of being seen as better suited for reward than those not involved in such ploys and consequently within a more common means of compliance - avoiding the manifestation of curses within such common approach (lack of ploy for instance) - though still benefiting from simple productivity. ~

The confusion seems it would then serve as further inspiration as desperation in perhaps then fueling even gross transgressions as result of said confusion and re-doubled efforts in avoiding what they themselves feel, should befall them. ~

Come to think of it, in that sense and potential dynamic - such could then render the fall guy - spoiler - element, as a perceived God like position in making such motions as stealing from the (potentially) righteous living in simple compliance - to award to those posturing of deservedness within said ploys - popularity even - and of course, supposed compliance. ~

Though I can see this as a common use of such dynamic - even in the popular perceived meaning of Christ in such a capacity - my personal opinion is that such use and tactic ruins the otherwise prosperous potential(s) of acknowledging the facet that effort (in such designs) in such compliance - especially for ulterior reasons - brings as much hardship and loses the value of the simple compliance in the course of existence. ~

It seems then very much to have become a standard approach in many ways... to the degree even of priority being a concern of how to avoid the mishaps, while being entirely ignorant of the other potential benefits in the more common application sans such ploys. ~

Such a dynamic then seems to magnify the initial power struggles becoming evident with the recently described divisions and divergences. ~

Coupled with the spoiler aspect, then seems to render a potential motion of those being able to pay/compensate said spoiler - then proceeding to victimize those having found more successful paths through common compliance - minding ones own business for instance, and being simply productive - cash and carry sort of designs.

Of course such efforts to procure utilize the appearance of a greater compliance in such influences - even in the fact that such greater compliance to such extremes as to be flaunted and reasoned as deserving being evidence of/to themselves as being to the contrary.

But, I suppose that few would recognize that in modern popular perception - Maybe such is from where the adage rich get richer first began? ~

It definitely presents different approaches to the idea of Christ. ~

The immediate result in design rendering such a scapegoat - even from the spoiler element. ~

The longevity result in such a design rendering such as concept within which better results can arise from said simple application of simple compliance through existence. ~

It seems then a division of immediate perceived results and the potential in experiencing existence. ~

Given the tendencies of people in general - it seems the designs in use for longevity would need be in a rather large sense. Perhaps something large enough to accommodate the more desperate tendencies within even itself - though unknown to any (given those tendencies). ~

Thus far then, that even through the hideous descriptions of curses and plundering - the most efficient course within it, is simple existence with attentions to ones interests - performing ones profession with earnest for example (as per honest measure) - and of course without too much ambition in attempting to look as more in compliance - especially given as is stated that all of these blessings and curses were to transpire.

Such being further substantiated in 29:19.


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