STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; 12/23/2006 (Too Much Effort To Comply? More Observation Of Christ)
Popular Christianity 12/23/2006
Study Notes And Journal Entries,
Too Much Effort To Comply? More Observation Of Christ
An Observation
David A. Archer
30:11 of Deuteronomy almost seems to warn even of too much effort to comply.
The tone of it almost seems like a hint in that direction.
Then 30:12 seems to again foreshadow Christ in some ways, almost contrary to the previous - seeming - reassurance of ease to some degree. ~
This perspective of course is from our modern day, long after the introduction of Christ - but in that almost tells then of a given level of failure of the tribes of Israel in that very introduction as it might relate to this verse in particular. ~
Did the majority of the Israelites fail to see the ease in which and with which such reassurance alludes to? ~
Was it only apparent failure with the conquering Romans filling the role of prophecy culmination - then forcing the application of Christ? ~
Further then, in regard to these aspects of again reasserting attention to commands and decrees which some would argue are/were unreasonable/impossible to fulfill - that perhaps, as briefly stated, the work itself could hold the potentials of a sort of psychological warfare - being, within consideration of such opinion stating impossibility and the like - a sociological bomb so to speak - having only the apparent designs of failure ultimately? ~
This of course is further considerable in that no person is supposedly of infallible/Godly perfection - which then reasons that failure is inevitable - and potentially destructive when then excluding the previously presented aspects for atonement. ~
To consider the extremes presented in the Lord stating the Israelites to be not good and a stubborn people - then to issue such decree as total compliance or nothing (maybe worse) is to see an example of the differing extremes I have noted within the observable motion between them. ~
It also substantiates perspectives from the consideration that the design itself seems destined to failure. At least prone to even amplify the effect of human tendencies in/of perceived - categorized that is to say - failures. ~
While it is that I personally believe as previously stated - that it is a cash and carry approach which found most success in relation to efforts to comply (compared to that in want of reward for instance) - it can be seen in such lines of thought, where the introduction of Christ may have been seen as necessary by some. ~
But, I am inclined to say only by some given the obvious point of divergence in the continuance with said introduction and the maintenance of the previous belief structure - however removed from the previous normal atmosphere. ~
Especially in further considering the developments around and post Christ (modern forms of Christianity). Many with a major focal point at the very area where Christ was introduced. ~
Perhaps such focus even indicates the failings of the particular interpretations previously which then diverged in that direction of continuance/development? This in noticing the aspect of such distinction being perhaps indicative of earlier tendencies by some to address sections within such efforts to comply - as opposed to the work applied as an entirety. ~
Of course the conquering aspect(s) lend influence as well - but again, even the development of the more modern versions through that conquered aspect - speaks volumes to the consistent application of it. ~
Most definitely something to continue to consider as the work continues in study. ~
Especially in considering the apparent development sequence of such character use/application as is the idea of Christ. ~
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