Thursday, February 08, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/18/2006 (continued) - (God Doesn't Want Hooker Money? Developing Commerce And Utopian Designs?)


Popular Christianity 12/18/2006


Study Notes And Journal Entries,

God Doesn't Want Hooker Money? Developing Commerce And Utopian Designs?

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/18/2006 (continued)

23:17 states that the monies of a prostitute cannot be used as offering.

I suppose then, depending upon a persons interpretation of prostitution and especially within the modern day - such might prove to be a little troublesome. Especially considering that most jobs are not sweat of the brow in the sense of work - which then, in no far stretch of the imagination - could very well be categorized as various forms of prostitution. ~

Again is evidence of developing commerce in 23:19, though it refers to loans given other Israelites - it still remarkably signifies definite commerce. ~

It most definitely presents a fraternal aspect as well within it, given the distinct separations now of Israelites and others living among them. ~

This then in combination with the social and political motion within that exclusive body, presents an even larger area of social dynamic to consider. ~

If I dare to venture here - such could be seen as similar in some ways with the body of elected officials and the general population of the modern United States. Differing of course in the respect that elected officials are not permanently of that intangible skeletal structure. ~

And of course, extracurricular financial ventures aren't always the better option for our modern officials. ~

23:24 states yet another rather communal aspect within a social dynamic. A person could enter their neighbors vineyard and eat their fill of grapes - but was not given permission to carry any away - and similar with heads of grain in a neighbors field, not to be harvested in such a manner as with a sickle. ~

This presents a consideration of very Utopia like designs in regard to such social interactions.

To not want or be in need of anything.

Further, considering the manner in which such was procured to begin with (piracy and plunder) - it then lends to further thought in crediting this movement with rather ground breaking social ideologies. this being pas - of course - the marauding and physically expansionary aspects. ~

A community of formerly nomadic cultures - establishing and even perhaps driving a substantial amount of commerce with the movement of festivities and celebrations within itself - then further establishing such guidelines as allotting for excess to be available to all (fields laying fallow - the most recent example of eating ones fill of grapes and hand fulls of grain, and of course allotting for a form of welfare in other ways), seems from a given perspective to have very Utopia like characteristics - at least in design through such descriptions. ~

I suppose it does stand to reason - though somewhat surprisingly to see so early on, that eventually someone would have to consider more to life than continuous warring. Especially in considering the establishment and maintenance of social aspects of community - especially further in the consideration of building and maintaining commerce independently of other influences while still possessing the ability for such actions and interaction.

As a note in recent considerations I have presented within the course of this topical study; The perspective presented here pertaining to observable Utopia like designs, again stands as example in the idea and reasoning that it seems a consistency such idea and development arise within humanity long before they are entirely understood much less most efficiently employed. Here are visible the beginnings of established forms of commerce which tend to possess the capability of promoting an efficiency beyond the warring aspect.

I do consider that within the observable progression of such, these initial ideas are not stand alone in the sense of verbatim application. That is to say that within the progress of civilization and such understanding as it has developed, is then the development in the consideration of capacity and applied idea.

I do not assert that these are the only examples of early economy. Further I do not assert that they developed on their own and as the only version of such. I do believe that within these designs are elements of modern efficient economy as they have developed and intertwined with other examples.

The idea of economy and commerce is itself entirely of a human importance.. which itself, as I consider it, may initially have been something thought that humanity would develop beyond. Perhaps it may someday... but there is still that pesky want of the thrill of the chase and the sort as those earlier tendencies toward warring have progressed into being represented through such mediums as commerce.

Then of course is the boy fight/girl fight having been derived largely as a means of stimulation to extended areas of and within economy as the most prominent reason I presume. And at this point in civilization, those things just seem too durned much fun to intentionally leave behind as a person could assume imposed development in those areas would entail.

I don't see such progression as happening in such a manner as imposed change. At least in the more efficient desired results I suppose as we continue to be suspended between what is presented as the physical and the cerebral... as if they didn't already co-exist long before some big brain decided they were in charge of separating them and insisting that one must someday be without the other, as it would seem has occurred.

While it seems that in a larger sense, the commerce described could easily become only pushing one stack of coins momentarily to another place - it then is aided with and within the diversity introduced within the social structure - this then preventing that sort of stagnation from occurring. ~

The commerce aspects - and I suspect even that more complicated (new) approach, may have been by design from where ever - as it is repeatedly emphasized that wealth will be with the Israelites. ~

Odd as I consider it, that much of the prevailing mentality from the area such was first implemented, is of the sort that some modern priests encourage people to save their ammunition in celebrating - to put into the chest of their enemies at a later point in time. ~

Such isn't to criticize so much as to observe the developmental extremes - perhaps even between interpretations?

Perhaps it could be seen as stages of influence - those of the initial area having been effected in a backwards motion to some extent; i.e. the development of better war tools happening into their existence from further along that influential progression from considered areas of modern development. Suspending development away from such warring considerations with the path of better warfare.

Even as that influential progression continues to churn with the version of other influences in a more modern setting.


War having transformed within the more progressive areas of that development, into other facets - and perspective having transformed as well within the same motion. ~

Definitely something else to continue considering. ~

Thinking further about this in general - considering the amount of sacrificing and offering within this structure - the Israelites must have been considerable in size at this point in time. the area must have been a much different atmosphere as well, considering the crops and live stock it had to sustain. ~

In then thinking about the Roman influence in conquering the area some time later - as well as Europe, it then gives insight into the direction and means for such sociological development - particularly curious at the moment, is considering the vineyards. Wine was prominent in many cultures of the area long before any Empires much less kingdoms.

While it was very much through the Roman networking as result of conquering most of Europe, that what we know of modern Christianity progressed. It seems that there was some considerable trade off in having been absorbed to some extent within the roman Empire. ~

Such expansion pertaining to the Israelites was then facilitated in ways other than the previous warring - through the Roman expansion. And, as is notable within having been conquered and absorbed, such would represent another fold in the previous consistency of the Israelites becoming influenced by neighboring cultures/societies though in a much larger sense concerning the Roman example. ~

Perhaps within the idea of modern Christianity - such an occurrence could be noted as a part of the development toward and even within, other means of expanding? Perhaps shifting the momentum from the previous bent of warring, to a larger focus of utilizing the result(s) of other - more dominant war machines, and further without their knowledge in that respect.

Utilizing the consistency of the larger social dynamics to maintain the aspects of their own - and even to expand upon it, much in a similar manner as the mentioned process observable particularly within Judges. Though the beginnings of the social motion are even seen within the time of Moses.

This further then producing another facsimile/emulation on a grander scale of the previous social structure. As note; The advent of roman Catholicism. the consistency of that social structure then essentially serving as those among you had previously during their dominance - though now in a much more broad - diffuse geographically - sense within the Roman Empire. Maintaining some level of consistency within their own community - however distant at that point, from one another - similar to that of the previously more contained Nation and Tribes of Israel. ~

Again, though somewhat distant from this point concerning studies - such development then facilitating much in many respects, to that progress in and of development. ~


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