Thursday, February 15, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; 12/19/2006 (continued II) - (Odd Or Even? Rock, Paper, Scissors? You Guys Stand Over There, And We Will Stand Over Here?)


Popular Christianity 12/19/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

(continued II)

Odd Or Even? Rock, Paper, Scissors? You Guys Stand Over There, And We Will Stand Over Here?

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/19/2006 (continued II)

Chapter 26 is another review of offerings and tithes for harvest, though 26:05 indicates the Israelites stem from the Arameans through Jacob. ~

26:12 then again addresses every third year tithes to be that of the Levites, foreigners, orphans and widows. ~

A particular augmentation in this instance is in 26:14 with the importance of not having consumed any of the tithe during mourning, or handled it while ceremonially un-clean - and further not having offered any of it to the dead. ~

26:15 indicates the Lord to be on high in asking that he look down from your holy dwelling place in heaven... - suggesting an aloof aspect to God in this instance instead of the co-existing aspects previously indicated. ~

Genesis 1 states God as creating the heavens and earth. ~

This recent reference then suggests some affiliation directly with the heavens, as a dwelling place. ~

Is this then a removed reference to the sun? This in consideration of such being common of various previous social structure influences - Egypt for instance? ~

Does such a reference then firmly indicate a visitation aspect within the references of walking among you? ~

Does it indicate times when God is elsewhere? ~

Then yet as further consideration; Given that, as put forward in Genesis 1, God created heavens and earth...., and it is now in the heavens where God does reside. There must surely be something beyond, in that regard. ~

From where ever God created the Heavens and Earth. ~

As a total nut case venture here, I could say that this line of reasoning substantiates my previous exploration(s) in consideration of all that we know of the universe - more so, all of which we know it to be comprised of was actually at one time a huge planet like object, itself. So large as to not be possible for us to see it if it weren't they we existed within the remnants of it, in such a speculation. ~

A planet like object which broke apart somehow - rendering that which we call the universe. Itself only still maintaining some semblance of the previous objects path in some orbit like motion of its own. ~

Consider objects out there beyond our own universe so huge that we cannot even see them? ~

All within a similar organized motion as we see of our own galaxy and universe. ~

Such stands to reason within the consistencies observable. ~

Chapter 27 then again addresses Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Ebal. In this description it is further described with noting a specific assignment of tribes and on which mountain they are to stand in issuance of curse and blessing. ~

6 tribes each are to have stood on each mountain, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph and Benjamin were to have stood atop Mt. Gerizim to proclaim a blessing and Reuben, Gad, Asher, Zebulun, Dan and Naphtali were to stand atop Mt. Ebal to proclaim a curse. ~

This is further an interesting development in stating that the Levites will have then shouted to the people, a series of curses. This, even in the fact that they are previously noted as being set atop Mt. Gerizim to pronounce blessings. ~

In a slightly larger sense, this then adds to the potential dynamic in regard to political relation and interaction between the tribes and in/within the established separation in divergence previously described and explored. ~

So it is in this relation that Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh (Joseph) remained on the East side of the river, while all others and half of Manasseh went to the West side of the river.

Reuben and Gad having been atop Ebal, while Manasseh was atop Mt. Gerizim. ~

From immediate consideration this then created a balanced presence of 4 voices (2 each Ebal and Gerizim) on the East side of the river - with a 6 and 4 voice split on the West side being Gerizim and Ebal, respectively. ~

The Levites then serving a double representation in that grouping having been assigned atop Gerizim and as well assigned to pronounce the curses. ~

While this serves a similar representation on the East side, it seems that with the half tribe presence within such a dynamic, would result the more balanced inclination. ~

28 then describes blessings and further has yet another reference to seven (7). In 28:07 it describes the blessings of enemies will attack from one direction, but will scatter from you in seven. ~

Though this is entirely a different context in which the reference to seven has been previously issued, it is still a quite purposeful use in reference to it for the purpose of illustration. ~

If then, in yet more speculation a person associates 7 with the Star of David, and then further in that line - with Christ - who was said to have been of that blood line (and there-fore continuing affiliation with the Star of David), it could be reasoned that (within that affiliation) the idea of Christ is then refuge from the wrath of God on behalf of the most blessed of the Israelites. Though again, within that speculation - only the most righteous of them - and only toward those having attacked from one direction I presume. ~


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