Saturday, February 17, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/20/2006 (continued) - (The Devil Can Do That, Too! Devour your Children!)


Popular Christianity 12/20/2006


Study Notes And Journal Entries,

The Devil Can Do That, Too! Devour your Children!

And of course, the imposed suggestive suggestions, suggesting suggestive interactions!

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/20/2006 (continued)

28:20 of Deuteronomy further presents curses for disobedience. It gives reason to consider the potential dangers in such curses - unless of course a person is aware of their own level in compliance - given the relationship (and known rivalry) between the Lord and Lucifer. Especially considering what is widely known as a popular tactic fro the Devil in considering such a proposed duality and dichotomy - being mimicry.

How easy would it be with such discord, for the Devil to level similar results resembling the effect in result of such curses?

Even utilizing the same reasoning in destroying any with designs of abandoning the mimicry as if to be the Lord punishing wayward action? ~

Again and especially at this point in time regarding this ideology - such efforts of/in entirely separating the idea of good and evil in our world presents only potential destruction(s) untold. ~

Such consideration and reasoning bolsters my perspective and opinion regarding the efficiency of such ideology(ies) in our modern day - most especially beyond the idea of Christ and further given the depth at which humanity already employs daily, that which was/would have been considered extreme abomination in that time period. ~

I still contend that the work itself is best understood as an entire consideration - given that such would be the desired result in considering it at all. though it is that within it are the particulars still in motion which obviously comprise it. ~

Yet again perhaps example of paradox/dichotomy - and further human growth and development of capacity and understanding. ~

28:25 continues with curses for extreme disobedience, but now turns the potential scattering in seven directions into a possibility for the Israelites under the wrath of their enemies - sending even defeat of the Israelites for failure to comply. ~

Of course, as history shows, the Israelites were conquered - but as well in the same history can be seen the use of those conquering societies to actually further the belief structure itself - even providing for several mutations between it and existing hosts having conquered them, which very much is an attribute in my opinion of the soundness of at least the consistencies having been established as per a motion of social development. ~

Such a shift in social normality from overt conquerors to conquered residence seems only to have provided further potential for the more socially geared aspects of the previously proposed consistencies and conquering.

The infiltration aspects so to speak, whether or not such was intended at the time. The consistency of/between existing social influences - as a matter of course has even given rise to mighty nations of themselves, with no direct affiliation to those initial consistencies. ~

It is within these passages containing curses for failure to comply, that more insight is brought to the introduction of Christ and more so in the time period that such transpired - after having been conquered to a greater or lesser degree. ~

It also gives more consideration to the idea of an employed mimicry transpiring (at least potentially) in the conquering nations doing themselves, things described as to transpire in the event(s) of such non-compliance as would mandate curses. ~

Such a social area considering the attempts of other nations to posture as bringers of supposed punishment - occurs to me as a potential birthplace of Ecclesiastics - Church Politics so to speak being employed within the and as the potential postured punishment, there then arises the potential of postured compliance in reaction while further facilitating more political subject matter in regard to both tendencies. ~

A person really has to wonder at the common (and seemingly implied) interpretation and understanding of this work as to be a literal mandate through and through given the severity for failure of such a collection of rules and standards in that literal sense. ~

A person could reason from such angles that perhaps - in that literal and rigid direction - that it was decidedly failed in that sense before it even continued on. Especially at this point of the work, itself. ~

To realize within this apparent example of extreme in regard to the observable motion within it and to consider something such as 28:15, to somehow supersede and outweigh the previous and larger design for remitting atonement - then it is that this body of people were most definitely cursed. ~

But - in regarding the work in motion of it, as an entirety, not only are the extremes of a potential duality and multiple aspect revealed more obviously within the current passages - but the wisdom in considering the work in an entirety becomes more obvious as well. ~

How could it be reasoned that the God presenting ceremony and consistency - avenues for atonement of/for transgressions - be the same comprised elemental body which now pronounces some rather extreme curses if they do not obey all of the commands and decrees? ~

This extreme displays the pronounced possibility within the multiple/single aspect I have described. ~

Further in considering these passages filled with some rather inhuman descriptions as curses - then provides, as stated, an amount of probability in/for the eventual introduction of Christ - further, with that introduction of Christ as result and in effort presumably to stave the continuance of such curses, it then suggests from my present perspective in the modern day - that perhaps the existing writ/decree of the time was not itself recognized as of distinct extremes of influence - then further, does not seem to have been regarded as a work in entirety. Though, such contradicts the previous presented social dynamic and potentials in such a consideration as the work not being recognized as an entirety. ~

At the risk of being seen as a heretic, this inconsistency then points most definitely to the imposed aspects of such curses from other - perhaps conquering - civilizations from the perspective which chose to ignore the larger work as entirety. ~

In that then, perhaps forcing the very necessitation of the idea of Christ within those more political turmoils - to counter the oppressive and imposed aspects of confined and literal interpretation(s) of such curses. ~

Perhaps having been conquered somehow then presented a perceived understanding that such curses were in effect, while progressively removing the options for atonement with the oppression? ~

02/14/2007 As further note within this consideration, it is entirely possible that such confined perspective as result of being conquered and oppressed, the facilitated further the larger progress - even more so, facilitated the confined and contained perspective of those conquering enemies pertaining to the larger body of the work itself. Somehow failing to see the larger motion of it as it transpired within and of that larger, ongoing consideration - much within the act of oppression itself.

But of course, as mentioned, such was only a given aspect of the resulting transition in being conquered. Other facets obviously continued in the furtherance of said consistencies. ~

Even being similar to some areas within said curses - then leading a person to wonder if such design in curse was not actually a blessing in disguise, so to speak - through facilitating the further and more diverse establishment of the existing consistencies. ~

28:36 and 28:64 demonstrate this in then considering a consistency fo being exiled over and again - while maintaining levels of the previous consistency(ies) ~

Again, in considering the possibility that the means for atonement were removed - it then very much is that the figure of Christ is necessitated and very much is substantiated in/from such reasoning's when considering the idea presented in symbolic transference of flesh and blood. ~

If God was the Israelites King, and Christ was presented as the son of God, then it is (as previously explored), that Christ was then symbolically the son of all Israelites - even the Israelites themselves. ~

This can then be seen as relation to the curses such as devouring ones own children as sustenance - through then attaching it symbolically to the action of consuming unleavened bread and wine - which further then, related to pass over. ~

Within the relation with pass over, is another turn in development symbolically in the reference to Christ being the lamb of God and the wine representing his blood - such then would direct a transference to the houses having been marked for pass over with lambs blood, perhaps to encompass all of the Israelites in that point of contact. ~

Such is, among other things - a definite area of yet another divergence. This being obvious in the continuance of the Hebrew faith and of course the manifestation of Christianity in various forms - though it is a notable interest that among many of the obvious actions Christ was said to have done - and further those actions having been remarkable similarities in a contrary sense to many of the curse in the passages - within that obvious divergence, some of those curses continued in progression and development both relating to the motion of Christianity and the motion of the previous consistencies - separately to some degree it seems. ~

Considering the level of transference and symbology thus far within the work - now even noted as Book of instruction - it becomes more and more obvious that even the necessitation of Christ to serve as such a tool for transference, was very much inevitable and further, politically motivated.

Within the already existing forms of transference seems to have been adequate means to accommodate the extremes of such curses as eating ones own children and the sort. ~

The present comparison with Christ then further presents a larger, self consuming cycle within the applied context of lamb and un-leavened bread, as well - which even heightens the divergence at the introduction of such. ~

In some perspectives, it could even be reasoned that the results of such introduction, was more a continuance than the creation of other faiths. this in considering the initial (though only partial intent) action in association with the Israelites and pass over with the actions of Christ - but setting into motion within that divergence - a self consuming cycle in progression - however symbolically (within those lines of consideration). ~

The biggest difference I suppose is then a matter of perceived distance given the present curse to consume ones own children greedily even, where that which can be discerned within the resulting symbolism of related areas in the actions of Christ - places a distance to the initial pass over, through transference at given points of contact. ~

28:68 is something I have as of yet to hear of transpiring in the curse of the Israelites being sent back to Egypt, offering themselves as slaves only to be refused. ~

02/14/2007 To note on this in current study - it is recently within the book of 1 Kings, that Solomon - the son of David, takes Pharaohs daughter as his first wife.... then, as it is described as having transpired, Solomons son loses the majority of the kingdom to an individual having fled from Solomon to Egypt - only to return with Solomons death. Symbolically, such could be of relation to some degree.


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