Saturday, January 27, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; 12/13/2006 (Moses Wanting The Good Ol' Days? On Holy-Day? Sixty-some Percent Tide Flux?)


Popular Christianity 12/13/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

Moses Wanting The Good Ol' Days? On Holy-Day? Sixty-some Percent Tide Flux?

An Observation


David A. Archer




Chapter 11 of Deuteronomy again illustrates a few areas in the subject of chronological aspects within this work. ~

11:02 depicts a sense of distance and again the suggestion that the Israelites Moses is addressing are the very same that left Egypt - when it has been stated and implied of a generational cycle having transpired since Exodus, from Egypt. ~

11:03 again indicates such in assertions and references to miracles in Egypt against Pharaoh, which is now suggested were witnessed by the Israelites present. It even states Moses as referring to those present as having been the Israelites chased from Egypt. ~

Again, perhaps an example of transference? Perhaps an example of that folding aspect transpiring even within the actions depicted within the writ itself? ~

Then of course is the odd coinciding time line elements; They wandered for 40 years, but Moses died (supposedly) at 120 years - though in other works (versions of the bible) I have seen different references. ~

There is a suggested generational transition and of course a seeming overlap in the linear, chronological sense - an ebb so to speak. A motion a person might use in a brush stroke - perhaps with a pastry bag. ~

I have to muse at this given the lunar calendar aspect(s) and of course the lunar effect on the tides? Is it that there was a similar effect on those developments and the process in compilation? ~

It could be said that such tends toward that multiple/cycling aspect as well. ~

The human body is scientifically said to be comprised of a majority percentage of water. In a more sensitive time - and of course with far fewer pollution and interference aspects which exist in the modern day - it is reasonable that an influence of that sort was present. ~

Again in 11:18 is mention of tying the words/commandments of the Lord to their hands and wearing them on their forehead. This area being another example of that point of contact in the folding sense as it is nearly verbatim with the previous issuance of such decrees. ~

In 11:22 is a statement which, though it is of my own speculation through applying the consistencies thus far, perhaps indicates further application of the diversified aspects of the single point of focus within that inversion previously demonstrated as result of the multiple into single point of focus. This in the statement of show love to the Lord and further to hold tightly to him. ~

It would seem to present the opportunity for use in transference being applied to just about anything a person could hold to through the use more in and of focus than in the importance of any specific effigy representation. ~

A shepherds staff for instance - through and within the applied use of that multiple/single point of focus - could then readily be used in representation (as effigy) through concentrated focus - of holding tightly to him. Again, the focus and intent taking precedence in this dynamic over specific object as representation. ~

11:29 and 11:30 again demonstrate further divergence yet to beset the tribes of Israel - predominantly, as per location - those on the West side of the river. This being done in/through describing two mountains to be used for pronouncing blessing and curse.

One serving as a place for blessing - the other serving as a place to pronounce curse. Gerizim and Ebal, respectively. ~

I should mention that in thought, though to be separated by blessing and curse, they are both still mountains. ~

Further of interest is the instruction in chapter 27 that dictate an altar to the lord to be constructed on Mt. Ebal, and to be celebrated with sacrifices and feasts as well as the stating of curses. ~

Thus far, it is only pronounced blessings having been stated as issued from Gerizim. ~

In 12:05 it begins to describe another social change about to transpire in regard to a chosen place of worship - indicating very much a stationary place to be chosen and utilized in the manner as previously was the Tabernacle. ~

It is stated as to be chosen within one of the tribal territories. ~

This immediately presents another facet (potentially) in the power structure socially, between the tribes. ~

I should mention I find a bit of humor in 12:08 and 12:09, Today you are doing as you please, because you have not yet arrived at the place of rest. ~

This being a statement issued in reference to not yet having entered the land - It poses an amusing - suggested contradiction - in implying that rest and place of rest has to do with something that sounds very not rest like. ~

Further 12:09 on a more serious note - then indicates another fold of sorts in symbolism and metaphoric association perhaps - in stating that the land is to be a special possession of the Israelites. Obviously this suggests some extension in the direction of comparison being the Israelites as the lords special possession. ~

12:11 continues to describe the actions to transpire within the new social dynamic within a more stationary structure. Much of which very much resembles the beginnings of what we now absent mindedly participate in, being holiday. ~

It is stated that things the Lord commands to be brought to the designated place of worship must be done and celebrated there - only at the place the Lord will choose - again, within one of the tribal territories. To celebrate holy day. ~

This very much resembles, yet again - what was previously in our modern day, Mardi Gras (though obviously Mardi Gras is not a moving celebration). ~

But of course in applying the pattern of divergence becoming more noticeable - this then, over time - could very well have developed into various other, and more diffuse applications as well. ~

It even likens yet further - to modern hospitality industry movements and characteristics utilizing them. ~

Further supporting the speculative observations - in 12:17 is a decree forbidding the consumption of such offerings in your home town. Which even further then could be seen as a very early stimulation to commerce, as well - given that this included the tithe. ~

In considering the base motion of such a mandate - simply socially - considering - as in a similar manner with the applied use previously explored of the cycle (and fallow year) within leading up to the year of Jubilee - a person would become no less than intrigued in a combined use in application of the two distinct social motions. Especially in the use of that borrometer resulting aspect of applied ideology into a social atmosphere. ~

The immediate vision is one of vigor in a social sense, to say the least. ~

While it is that I am no social architect, the potentials within such a speculation are no less than exciting to some degree - simply as a matter and course of being human. ~


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