Saturday, February 10, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/19/2006 (continued) (No Package Abuse! God Doesn't Want Hooker Money? Developing Commerce And Utopian Designs?)


Popular Christianity 12/19/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,


No Package Abuse! God Doesn't Want Hooker Money? Developing Commerce And Utopian Designs?

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/19/2006 (continued)

25:11 then seems to present a limit to such direction(s) of power for the female - through describing what is considered punishable in the loss of her hand should the woman grab the testicles of a man her husband is in a fight with. ~

From certain perspectives this could be seen as acknowledging the importance of virility, much in a certain respect as extending the previous powers to a female having been denied in certain situations - though in this example, demonstrating a different approach to the same respect. ~

25:13 then again shows decided concern for and with good commerce practices; scales and weights and honest measures. ~

Then something rather surprising in the context of miscellaneous consistency within these miscellaneous guidelines, is 25:17. It describes a mandate to be sure and destroy the Amalekites - and to erase their memory from under heaven. ~

This chapter itself seems as a good example pertaining to the larger motion I have observed within existence. Considering it without the presented individual meanings (designs within the context of subject matter) - it is possible to see what I am exploring in that larger sense. ~

It could almost be categorized as excerpts from the thoughts of different individuals at a given point in time - perhaps in a given amount of time as it transpired. ~

For consideration in presenting this perspective, note the procession of the chapter;

  • Right and wrong decision in court/40 lashes,
  • Ox on a treadmill,
  • A widows want of a child,
  • Two fighting men and a wife,
  • Honest weights and measure,
  • Rest before destroying the Amalekites

Again, they are under a sub-title of miscellaneous - but the movement through various subject matter in such a procession, is the aspect of motion I refer to in regard to that larger influence and motion. ~

Purely as speculation then in regard to this series in motion of seemingly un-related things - it is very much that within this single focus/multiple aspect, that the larger consistency then becomes the community itself. ~

Within the series of examples in chapter 25, it could be derived (if only for speculation in illustrating this produced larger consistency) that we have as example potentially;

  • Elders considering just punishments in hypothesizing among themselves
  • Then perhaps the concerns of a millwright in discovering a more efficient route than denying the ox with a muzzle
  • Then perhaps the concerns of co-inhabitants (in-laws) as they interact among themselves
  • Then further perhaps an extension of those concerns/conversation as the hypothetical subject matter changes
  • Then perhaps the concerns of a farmer pertaining to the sale of crops
  • Then perhaps the concerns of someone remembering previous battles.

Again, this is entirely speculation on my own part - but such in the interest of better depicting that larger motion through the use of potential results in the manner described. ~

Given the prominent aspect as stated pertaining to the Lord living among them, I would even go as far in speculation as to suggest such results in said procession being perhaps from a given feast/festival. Such subject mater could easily be considered as common conversations - even only culminations of said within such grand celebrations and feasts as have been described. ~

Samples so to speak - though being the culmination of various proximities in regard to such interactions - hypothetically - as one point of interest moved to another. ~


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