Tuesday, January 30, 2007

STUDIES IN THROLOGY: 12/14/2006 - (Welfare? Celebration? Value?)


Popular Christianity 12/14/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

Welfare? Celebration? Value?

An Observation


David A. Archer




Chapter 14:22 of Deuteronomy again references tithes of crops, but in this turn of such instruction is obviously the augmentation to go to the place the Lord selects from one of the tribal territories. ~

This is then said to teach them always to fear the Lord. But such is almost immediately contradicted in then presenting the option - in the case that the chosen place is too far away - to sell the tithe offerings and go to the chosen place - then purchasing any kind of food you want as well as wine and any other alcoholic beverage. This in the interest of feasting and celebrating with your house hold. ~

This is without any question, early example of commerce and hospitality industry beginnings. ~

Not to mention further being support in connection to holiday as is recognized in the modern day. ~

Peculiar that firstly fear would be indicated, then contradicted with celebration. ~

Perhaps more indication of an existing duality. ~

14:28 cites a three year cycle in using the tithe for the Levites. Directing the tithe to be stored in the nearest town for such purposes. ~

It most definitely looks to be an early form of welfare as it was to be used for foreigners, orphans and widows living among the Israelites. This so they can eat and be satisfied. ~

Chapter 15 begins on a note that was probably the first of biblical commands to be left out of modern society and Popular Christianity - it instructs that every seventh year all debts to yourself are to be cancelled. Anyone owing you money is to be released from that debt. It is stated that such applies only to fellow Israelites - not extending to foreigners. ~

This must have some relation with the Sabbath year as well in having it occur every seventh year - and in conjunction with what is referred to at this point as the Lords time of release. ~

In that affiliation and reason (time of release) - is further indication of a cyclical aspect within that larger motion of influence. ~

Perhaps there will be something within the lunar calendar I will notice when it is that I look at it in a manner as to compare. ~

It would seem within that consistency - and further the consistency in appearance of the number 7, that such is a relevant reference to some other occurring consistency. ~

Immediately, simply in considering the fact that only more recently Pluto was seen to be in existence within the solar system, and of course in omitting Earth in that consideration - there are then only 7 planets to consider there. Perhaps none too coincidentally - all being named from references with that prominent multi-deity structure (a variation of) so common in other cultures and civilizations of the time. ~

Perhaps it is that there exists a cyclical occurrence transpiring every 7 years? It would come as no surprise. ~

15:06 describes yet further early insight into larger social consistencies and tendencies - in stating the relationship between controlling/control of a nation(s) - and finance. ~

At the point in time that this is stated - civilizations were only at a point of warring on each other and plundering for bulk spoils. ~

This passage almost - nearly predicts a time when commerce would be precedent over conquering and plunder. ~

Very much I imagine as result of the obvious concerted efforts in the direction of establishing such social consistencies as well as integrated structure and decree toward the development of commerce beyond the trade of goods. ~

Again, in 15:12 is a reference to 7 - this being in regard to indentured servitude and slave servants. Any Hebrew selling themselves as a servant, may serve for 6 years and be released on the 7th year. Further, the servant is not to be sent on their way empty handed as is stated in 15:13. ~

Then, notably as is indicated in 15:14, most all Israelites were presumably cultivators at this point - though it is as of yet that they have ventured Westward. ~

Perhaps it was only presumed that such would be the case? ~

In comparison and from a brief consideration - the time line and ability to release slaves seems similar to that which Justinianus had presented in the Roman Law Of Sale - It gives me pause to consider a closer comparison. Considering the obvious Hebrew influence on the Roman community, it would stand to reason that such ideas would travel as well. ~

In 15:19 is another reference to first born male animals. Again reassuring the agricultural cultivation and further stating that the first born animals are not to be used to work the fields - nor are they to be shorn. they are only to be used as food at the chosen place of worship - as it is stated in that point in time. ~

In thinking about this consistency being established - and further in realizing a problematic area which could ( and probably did) develop pertaining to the purchase of such food stuffs at the place of worship - it probably even began a sort of supply and demand aspect as well. This in realizing that the entire community of Israel would converge on a chosen town/place - though it wouldn't be possible for them all to bring the tithe offering in the form of livestock and goods. In that then, there would be fewer first born animals and goods even, to be used in ceremony/feast. ~

This of course, given a certain area were consistently chosen - would tend to enlarge flocks as well - and further then be left with even a surplus of other parts of the tithe - such as grain(s) and wine (beverages - liquid offering). ~

While it is that such exchange of goods most certainly did not originate in this example - it could be argued that the consistency and the dynamic (design) in which value found stability and support - very much could have. Most definitely the beginnings of a consistency for supply and demand are seen here - though as I have stated, other cultures (civilizations) participated in basic trade of various sorts as well. ~

Perhaps the beginnings of consistency in which to value a coin piece instead of weighing it, even further as result within this example. ~

This being a relevant point in the difference between value in such directions, and supply and demand. ~

While it is that they are relevant/related and perhaps even tightly compacted in the modern day - they (value and supply and demand for instance) still are different (separate) areas of consideration. ~


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