Friday, January 26, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; 12/12/2006 (A Sociological Trojan Horse?)


Popular Christianity 12/12/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Continuing in the 6th Chapter of Deuteronomy, I find a curious thought in the combined use of the common statement in God lives among you and something in 6:18 pertaining to doing right and good in the Lords sight. ~

This again alludes to a multiple aspect - at least a duality of some sort in suggesting that perhaps God isn't always watching - which then gives more support to the idea within the idea of among you, that perhaps the embodiment can/could actually be/been seen as contained and therefor isolated (limited in vision so to speak). Perhaps even as result in consideration, of that/those efforts in a single point of focus as well as the consistency of concentrating that point of focus through ceremony. ~

The manipulation and containment of connectivity of sorts? ~

Doing right and good in the Lords sight can also be interpreted as mandating - as previously explored - the fulfilment even of those commands issued as curse and prediction. Much similar to the mandate of fulfilling all of the Lords commands... but yet a bit further in making sure that such transpires where the Lord can easily see it as having been done. Such definitely lends a more intriguing aspect to that of duality and further even - as previously examined - seems to coincide with the symbolic split and representation between the mountain dedicated to blessings and that dedicated to curse.

In 6:20 of Deuteronomy, there is more evidence of the surrogate aspect in stating instructions in a way that suggests the Lord will not always be in the same relationship and capacity as is suggested in the current time frame; This as well could be insight into another, larger progression - if not the duality I have explored within the multiple aspects. ~

Why would the Lord not remain consistently among his chosen people? ~

Why would the Lord not remain entirely consistent and constant? ~

This in conjunction with the no less than two other variations of this single point of focus manner of worship (Lot and Esau)- is itself reason to consider the potential duality and multiple aspects - then further, the motion within/of a larger cycle. The difference between the motion of and within our galaxy, and the motion of our galaxy in/on its path through the universe. ~

In Chapter 7 of Deuteronomy, it speaks as though in a past - future tense pertaining to the people having once occupied the land the Israelites are about to enter - complete with more instruction(s) to completely destroy each of them - to show them no mercy even.

As another point of interest - there are listed 7 nations yet to be destroyed at that point - which then indicates again, the marauding tendencies of the community of Israel. ~

Further, this again bolsters the Eastern tribes as a power area - given that these instructions are as if to those going to the West side of the river. This then would indicate more of the soldiering to be done by those much nearer the prospective enemies. ~

It then shows more segregated and genocide like qualities in forbidding the inter-marriage of those nations people (even being conquered) and the Israelites. I presume this was in the interest of preserving and maintaining the newly established belief structure - probably more so than than the interest of preserving blood lines at that point - but, it would seem that from this consistency as it developed through other nations, that the issue of blood line(s) was developed. Then of course, as was discovered through the extreme application of such concerns - new blood is necessary for basic health in reproduction and familial environments. ~

Such is something that tells me the initial intention was in preserving the social and belief structure more so than the strict adherence to such instruction regarding interests in blood line. ~

It is possible then, in that consideration - that the blood line interests (especially in those historic detrimental extremes) was a byproduct of the application of belief structure (within this example social development at least). ~

Aspects of such concerns for structure are evident in a sort of self comparison when examining the efficiency with which this belief structure then infiltrated those structures of nations having conquered it. ~

A sociological Trojan Horse, so to speak in some instances. ~

Then of course, within that interaction producing variations which can still be seen in the modern day. This, in addition to the remaining consistency(ies) of the initial belief structure as it continued to develop. ~

Perhaps in that then, it could be said as an illustration of the resulting effect within that multiple aspect seen as a single point of focus? In the larger sense, the resulting derivatives (presumably from the 3 variations -Jacob{Israel}, Esau, Lot) then representing the more subtle differences within that multiple aspect in result socially - and even between the 3 initial variations presented within the work called the bible? ~

Further in this consideration, is then the effect of those variations of worship related to idols - further yet, the consideration of the Israelites seeming to be encouraged to some degree, though through a contrary sense in curse/prediction, to participate in such forms. The consistency being that they fall away from the Lord for some time, then apparently again return. It can be safely presumed that within such a motion, it was consistent that only certain areas of the Israelite population strayed to such a degree. Always leaving a base area within the social structure. ~

It is known with cultivation, that spores on the seed of another plant life can cause mutations - such then is a similar effect in a larger, ongoing process. ~

In that then, have we retarded our potential progress in those imposed/over controlled instances in progressively removing ourselves from the larger motion of it as it transpires in that non-linear fashion? ~

In Chapter 7:07, it states that the Israelites were chosen because they were the smallest nation - chosen because the Lord loved them and was keeping the oath sworn to their ancestors. ~

In 7:09, it then states that said oath (covenant) is kept for a thousand generations. ~

It was a long time ago that this is said to have transpired and over 2000 years since Christ. ~

What then was to transpire after the 1000 generations? Is it here as well that the idea of Christ serves an unseen, extended service? ~

In such a statement, though at the time 1000 generations probably seemed like forever, is the obvious reasoning that the covenant with the Lord would not be eternally in the literal sense - only for 1000 generations. ~

Is it then that the conquering was to serve another purpose beyond the promise of land in which to live? ~


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