Friday, January 26, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; 12/12/2006 - continued - (Smelted People, Metal Poisoning? Obey Love And Obedience...Kind Of.)


Popular Christianity 12/12/2006


Study Notes And Journal Entries,

Smelted People, Metal Poisoning? Obey Love And Obedience...Kind Of.

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/12/2006 (continued)

In 7:22 of Deuteronomy, it again presents suggestion as to the very aspect of assimilating other cultures and civilizations in promising to continue to drive out other nations little by little - and then further confirms a longevity in plan through stating that they will not be cleared away all at once. ~

In 7:25, it states something peculiar pertaining to the silver and gold used for idols within the nations to be conquered. Stating not to covet it or take it because it is detestable to the Lord. ~

This is peculiar in regard firstly, to spoils considerations - then of course in regard to a transference aspect. ~

It signifies a discerned difference between the gold and silver used within the tabernacle, and that used for other idols in other nations. ~

This being somewhat of a progressive development from the previous division of spoils. Perhaps having some reasoning to - in that transference sense - what had been put into it in the manner for instance of Aarons medallion. ~

Odd that such would be the decree when obviously at this point, gold (and even trinkets) have already been accepted by the tabernacle - even as purification offerings as a share of plunder. then further this rings odd in the obvious plans in continuing to conquer.

Then further in 8:13 when speculating on gold and silver multiplying. ~

This would indicate within the juxtaposed positions - that commerce is then seen as a part of the longevity as well as conquering. ~

Perhaps even - purely as speculation - forbidding further plunder of gold and silver at this point even acted to inspire gaining it through other means - such as the development of commerce? ~

In another regard pertaining to transference - it is stated that the idols are detestable to the Lord - even the gold and silver they are made of. ~

In that is a comparison a person must consider in reference to the golden calf having been an idol - then further that moses then put the remnants of the gold used to make it, into the Israelite drinking water. Having them then, in the symbolic aspect - actually consume that which is said to be detestable. Then of course, it becoming of them in the same motion. ~

Would this then mean that the Lords people and special possession are further affiliated with some form of trinket or idol in the Lords personal presence? ~

They have recently been likened to something of iron being taken from a smelter to be made his people and special possession. ~

Such metaphor is substantiated in Chapter 8 with descriptions of punishment to humble and tribulations perhaps likening to tempering iron in that comparison. ~

Which then, in those lines of consideration could be seen as purposeful in the interests of a people to be used in/for battle - which then suggests perhaps that the special comparison - as I touched on previously, could be a sword - metaphorically speaking. ~

Then in the light of recent affiliation with the detestable metal(s) from idols, could then be reasoned a venomous sword at that - the sort which could instill and impart the detestable elements of itself with even the slightest wound? ~

From a scientific reasoning, having forced the Israelites to drink the gold dust of/from the idol, could very much indicate heavy metal poisoning as being a factor in their existence and relationship with that multiple aspect in a single point of focus. ~

They could have just been mad as a hatter. ~

In Chapter 10 of Deuteronomy, there is what looks to be a discrepancy at first pertaining to the Levites carrying the Ark of the covenant.

It puts this duty within a time line association with Aarons death - but, as has been established - the Levites were set apart long before Aarons death, with duties pertaining to the tabernacle. ~

They were said to have been appointed to Aaron initially, to serve in and around the tabernacle. ~

Further still, representing the first born males of the Israelites. ~

In 10:03, it then indicates either the use of transference or Moses beginning to get really foggy in his old age. Perhaps he is even laying claim to previous occurrences?

This of course, in stating that he built the Ark of acacia wood - when actually it is that Bezalel actually did the crafting of the Ark in Exodus 37. ~

In 10:12, there is yet more suggesting the multiple influences within the single point of focus in a change in tone and timbre from the smelter forged people of iron - conquerors, to that of a call to love and obedience.

A tone which is hardly of that which comes from the heart of fire and heart of darkness. ~

The instruction(s) itself in this instance, is uncharacteristically void of impending doom upon violations of the instruction. In fact, it is only stated to obey these commands for their own good. ~

In 10:22, there is an interesting statement in presenting the Israelites as only having been 70 people when they first went to Egypt. ~

Given that such constrained isolation and similar intentions weren't present at the time - a person then has to see a deeper difference between the Israelite structure pertaining to a single point of focus - and the surrounding area. ~

Given that Lot and Esau are from similar backgrounds - such then lends even further to the subtle difference in such single point of focus systems - simply as a matter of course from the previous influence(s) being entirely of a multiple deity structure.

Perhaps, within those subtle differences of Lot, Esau and the Israelites, is a representation of subtle differences within and between the previous multiple deities?

Perhaps even consisting of a motion which could liken to a cycle of sorts pertaining to the (or similar) aspects those separate representations were set forward to address? This within each division (Lot, Esau and Israelites), then as well, between the relation to one another within that larger motion? Each consisting at any given time, of greater or lesser percentages of such influences? ~


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