Monday, January 29, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/13/2006 - continued (More Purchased Atonement? Snitch On Your Neighbor?)


Popular Christianity



Study Notes And Journal Entries,

More Purchased Atonement? Snitch On Your Neighbor?

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/13/2006 (continued)

Later in the afternoon - early evening now and after a break from studies. ~

In 12:21 there is another aspect to the decree for traveling to the place of worship in an option - within the event that the chosen place is far away - to butcher and eat what the Lord has given in the hometown. Further in this is that differing from the offering meat at the place of worship - anyone can eat of the meat butchered and presented in the hometown. Whether they are ceremonially clean or un-clean.

In addition to this, it is stated that once God has expanded the territory, meat can be eaten as much as it is wanted. ~

I immediately call to mind the exploratory comparison I am doing regarding a relationship between modern food service and perceived atonement as a matter of course of existence at this point in human social development. ~

If a person removes the agricultural commonality of the biblical time - and then supplants the development of large food chains in the stead - then considers the various paths of/through development that society has taken - and it becomes rather simple to see the influence of this popular form of religious social structure on such progress. ~

Especially regarding fast food in a relation with the meat which either ceremonially clean or un-clean may eat of. ~

As well, this area within Chapter 12 of Deuteronomy may have a direct relation with the extreme degrees of difference between what is known as fine dining and the more common food chain restaurants. ~

More so even beyond that - the pre-prepared food stuffs available canned and in other variations at the market, and restaurants in general. Demonstrating a degree in development cycle generationally between the initial divergence of at home and at the place of worship - and ceremonially clean and un-clean. ~

Further in both areas of such social development is, as previously explored - the purchase aspect in the place of having offering of one's own. ~

In Chapter 13, 13:01 and 13:02 - it describes prophets among you and what to do in considering predicted signs and miracles which may come true. I see an element of this in a different perspective than many might. ~

Since it is that the Bible is describing such as a possibility - then further in considering how scarce the chance of trickery would have been in a society and communities with laws so strict as death being the penalty for promoting any sort of straying from that single point of focus structure - it then gives probability to the existence of a larger influence - even further than a common presence in other cultures of multiple deities. ~

This then supports the idea of having devised a means to concentrate such influence into that single point of focus structure. ~

Further in 13:02 it specifically states that action against them should only be taken in the event that they then attempt to ply such occurrence as means to promote other worship. If they then say.... very much indicates the line of separation being in the use of visions for other ends, than it is in having them and even making predictions. ~

It could also be seen as being a sort of concession in admitting that there are/may be other areas from which such visions arise. ~

Perhaps such is even in the attempt to encourage any sort of occurrences in that way - to be attributed to the Lord if it is that they are used as an influence? ~

13:06 is almost entirely a promotion of an informant sort of bent. Even insisting a person put another to death for such transgression(s). ~

Given what seems to be the developing social and political atmosphere - such a command could prove rather detrimental if unchecked within the social/political atmosphere. Tending toward extortion's and leverage instead of the apparent design in maintaining a close knit community. ~

This seems to contradict to some extent, the previously presented beginnings of a judicial structure - though perhaps would play into it further, in considering the established cities of refuge. ~

In 13:14 it then recants such extreme reactionary measure by then introducing the need to first examine such cases - facts - carefully. Specifically in regard to hearsay. This is presented in regard and reference to entire towns, but a person would think such reasonable investigation would be applied in other instances as well. ~

13:12 happens to draw my consideration in showing the Israelites perhaps not entirely as conquerors - but more, as observed before - as infiltrators bent on imposing their belief structure, and of course, as has been established - slowly expanding their territories. ~

It then continues in 13:15 to instruct the destruction of such towns where-in people lead their fellow cities astray - further, to cleanse the town with fire and burn the plunder, both as offering to the Lord. ~

This is unavoidably comparable to the fate which befell Sodom and Gomorrah - which then indicates yet another version of a relativity - points of contact.

This example version being a dictation to act in a like manner as something which has already transpired as opposed to the common examples thus far of repetition of instruction and revisitation of previous occurrences. ~

The Sodom and Gomorrah occurrence having happened in the time of Abraham - long before the tribes of Israel. ~

Chapter 14 is much pertaining to what can be eaten as ceremonially clean and what cannot - which of course all is then later encompassed in the idea of Christ.


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