Tuesday, February 06, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; 12/17/2006 (The Illusion Of Night And Day? A Quartered Duality?)


Popular Christianity 12/17/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

The Illusion Of Night And Day? A Quartered Duality?

An Observation


David A. Archer




Considering the developing aspects of duality in several ways within the Bible, I feel I should note the biggest at this point being between the Lunar calender aspects and Popular understanding and perception of it in the modern day, with little consideration of that change over time. ~

This then presents a pattern within the consistencies of it, of dualities within - more so of dualities. This then seeming to present the day and night illusion as some firm separation - where it is of more of a compliance and non-compliance in continuance. This then rendering that which has been seen as development and progress even within itself (all facets of area within those dualities) as well as civilizations and communities which the popularity of it (said pattern of influence) has influenced. ~

There is even an area within the structure of it which seems designed to accommodate those non-compliance particulars until again righted, so to speak. This area for instance, being in those efforts of Aaron required to redeem both his sons (and line) and un-clean animals, regularly. ~

Symbolically this presents what could be seen as a holding area of sorts - a thru way in some senses - and yet further in the beginning of the idea of purgatory. ~

Such demonstrates the continuance aspect as opposed to any reasoning in interpretation of solidified placement. ~

It isn't even so much as good and bad in that larger sense - but again seems as much or more in accommodating existence in an eco-cycle of sorts. Even accommodating the unstable area in existence (within such considerations as said symbology and applied ceremony) of pregnancy for instance, and just after childbirth, within such designs. Creating a conditioned atmosphere of sorts within said symbolism of and even in the extremes. ~

The duality aspects in the larger perception(s) of it, then present within that consistency - no less than 2 heavens and conversely 2 hells in that sense. I would venture then to propose that if it were that such a belief structure were again to be practiced in a removed fashion for several hundred years - perhaps even on a different planet - it would then yield a similar pattern in that progression (particular to atmospheric influences of course) - assuming that it would be from the modern perspective that such would extend from - again, without regard for the previous layer within the Lunar influence in history.

Presenting then, within that extension - an unknown, un- realized extension and subsequent divergence of the previous manner in understanding and perception.. particularly in the presence of several individual Lunar cycles then representing that relative area within the consideration of those multiple influences and single point of focus. ~

I personally think the structure itself would accommodate such a diversity, and perhaps in the longevity of it - then produce variations of and within similar developmental paths we as a species have already seen and experienced. ~

Most especially considering from where, within popular perception, it seems such would be perceived as extension. ~

Would such then create an additional duality between existing, distant versions and that extension - as has been seen to some degree within our civilizations? ~

Then of course within the modern perception is the aspect of having achieved a separation - a level of isolation - between ourselves and those influences in ways I have already explored as well as many others I am sure. ~

Again, in 21:19 is mentioned the Town Gate as a place of judgment and even stoning. Although this instance pertains to a rebellious son - a glutton and drunkard - The reference to town gate again piques my interest in the relation through the constant symbolism's - with relation in a symbolic manner to the door of each house. This particularly in the issuance of decree pertaining to the display of commands and laws on the door/door post.

Further perhaps in a relation with the passover in Egypt and lambs blood?

Then relegating those being judged (and perhaps executed) with/under and in sight of - those commands and the spirit of death as it killed the first born of everything? Symbolising further a community decision in such relation. ~

Further then, within that, affiliating - more so relegating the judged and stoned - to that area of that which was consumed in those instances such as pass over - purging the evil from among the Israelites?


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