Thursday, February 01, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/14/2006 - continued II -(Judgement Guidelines - Acceptable Inconsistencies? - Competition With The Jones's In Wanting A King?)


Popular Christianity 12/14/2006

(continued II)

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/14/2006 (continued II)

In Chapter 17 of Deuteronomy, there are some general guidelines relating to cases and judgement. Something I find peculiar is another contradiction pertaining to forces of heaven and the stars. It forbids their worship, but in Genesis 1:16 it is described as God having created the sun, moon and stars to govern day and night.

The bible itself thus far is set within the Lunar Calendar cycle. ~

This would seem then, to set apart a difference in being governed and worshiping. ~

02/01/2007 As a note pertaining to potentials within this, I consider in comparison to further studies and consistencies seeming to develop, that perhaps it is in such a line of differentiation that the intention is to discourage the tendency to impose that which can be discerned directly, and then within that opting for the governance of a more flowing aspect beyond the limitation(s) of human derivation and implementation? To allow more the subtle aspects of such a proposed influence to manifest in a more efficient manner than the purposefully implemented version(s) through human effort - and of course the very limited aspects within such a confined consideration? Presenting the opportunity for that which was considered to be, to more efficiently flow and manifest without the direct concentrated attention(s) and effort of human tendencies.

Something else I am compelled to explore at this, is again - the fact that inconsistencies have been left in the work itself over centuries. ~

Immediately I consider perhaps a larger aspect of duality - juxtaposition in occurrence/motion. ~

Then further consider such inconsistencies as perhaps points of contact themselves, within that seemingly inverted duality. ~

While not being blatant contradictions - there are rather consistent, inconsistencies in that sense - again, which have been left in the book through centuries and regimes of the sort that were even gravitated toward various large censorships in other instances. ~

17:05 describes the necessity to take judged offenders to the gates of the town to be stoned to death. ~

I see a relation here to the door and door post(s) for some reason, in a magnified sense. Perhaps it is relative in my mind as being an entry way, and further as has been described - decree is to be displayed on the door/door post(s). ~

17:14 presents yet another contradiction in the idea of selecting a king - when it has already been stated that the Lord is the King of Israel. Further it seems strange that like other nations around would be acceptable when so little if any other social standard pertaining to other around, is. ~

Though it is stated that it could only be a man the Lord chooses, it seems an odd turn in the consistency of development at this point. ~

17:17 again shows proofs contrary to many opinions pertaining to God being of a feminine anatomy component in stating that many wives would turn a kings heart away from the Lord. ~

It further describes that he must not accumulate large amounts of wealth. ~

And, in looking at these guidelines, I further see a metaphoric representation in the direction of creation and development of the United States - though again, most likely as sample influence of social consistencies of the day. Beginning at 17:15, a person can easily compare the King position of President as it was/and developed into modern reality. Save of course within the developments - the idea of King and continued reign of consecutive terms. ~

Chapter 18 concerns the Levites and what they are entitled to as described in Deuteronomy as well as other points previously - with of course subtle changes to accommodate the new social dynamic in domestic living. ~

It is also put forward within this chapter, that Levites can minister in which ever town(s) they choose to live in - even in towns they choose to move to and are still entitled to their share of offerings even if receiving support from elsewhere. ~

In 18:09 is an example - though slight - of a contradiction recently sighted pertaining to King and other nations - it states not to imitate the detestable customs of those other nations. ~

Of course it then cites ritual sort of customs such as sacrificing children, omens...etc. ~

But the slight oddity is still there in the development of at least the possible position of King. ~

There is a decidedly political aspect to this which very much indicates a limit in perspective within the time frame - even as progressive as much of the rest of it seems to be. ~

It is as though such a leadership position is seen as inevitable in some sense - even within the established political and social structure. Such is my reasoning in seeing it as somewhat confined to the time period of its issue. As if there weren't any other known options - even in the specific limitations described as to be of such a position within the community of Israel should it arise. ~

Then further in Chapter 18 of Deuteronomy is indicated perhaps another slight shift in emphasis with describing what earlier was to be conquering and destroying other nations, is now cited as to displace them. ~

18:15 predicts that God will rise up a prophet from within the Israelites. Further it is stated as Moses speaking; A prophet like me. ~

A person could even give consideration that this predicts Christ - but Christ was said to be the son of God. Moses was a son of Amram - though an adopted child to some degree of Pharaohs daughter. ~

It then describes a method to discern the prophet from false prophets as seeing if something prophesied happens/comes true or not - if not, obviously then the prophet has spoken without the Lords authority and need not be feared. ~

This seems it could present some rather interesting political ploys into a possible motion - if it were that such became a sought after position. ~

Of course it would be with much effort to falsify occurrences - to present illusions so to speak - but presuming a prophet were found and then others laid claim to issued prophesy in a public sense, and managed to sustain the isolation of said prophet, such might become a heated area of contention. ~

In considering this prediction of a coming prophet combined with the provision to put forth a King - such isolation becomes all the more possible given the constraints on the post of King itself within this new social structure among the Israelites. ~

This tends to indicate perhaps a want Moses may have had for such a recognition within the statement of; like me, then considered within a future society possibly putting forward a King. ~

In further considering the idea of King within the presented political atmosphere and in context of the limitations dedicated for the position (as seen in the guidelines) - a person has to recognize the power within such remaining with those being governed. ~

As a difference from other Kings, this version in chapter 17 (guidelines for a king) even keeps the King from accumulating large amounts of monies for himself as King. Suggesting that someone else would have to do it for him if at all. Then presenting further political arena's. In essence, those with the most influence could exalt such a position in variation of King - or conversely leave it destitute and un-tended.

Further, it seems such could be built up only to be removed, as per monetary wealth. ~

This presumably only being able to transpire in failing to apply other social consistencies presented (such as I have explored previously) as applied standard(s). ~

In fact, within such an unchecked application - a King might be exalted and even incredibly efficient for years - only to then be politically assassinated in some other political shift peripherally. ~

Perhaps, as a speculative musing - such is a place of origin for that which is now known as bloodless coupe? ~

If so, then such is undoubtedly another progressive structuring even within the seemingly contained and limited perspective of King being affixed/introduced to otherwise progressively developing atmosphere. ~

As a side note within my journal, I noted that such developments as being socially relative to the previous and common aspect of piracy, plunder and assimilation of that which already exists within those respects. Though obviously, this would then be in the consideration of procuring - incorporating other forms of social structuring into their own as frequently I have explored. Then returning again to the consistency of the established standards within the book of instruction.


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