Thursday, March 15, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY - 12/26/2006 (Moses Finally Kicks Off! Again A Reference To Extremes In Right or Left)


Popular Christianity 12/26/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Chapter 34 of Deuteronomy describes Moses as finally dieing at the age of 120! Though I seem to recall other ages noted in past versions of the bible I have seen. Some ever quite old in modern standards. ~

34:06 states that the Lord buried him in a secret place. ~

It again mentions that Joshua will become a similar focal point - but then restates that Moses even knew the Lord face to face. And of course was a prophet, no less - claiming him unique in comparison even to the prophets being disciples of Jesus presumably - stating that there has never been another prophet like Moses. Wonders in the land of Egypt and Mighty powers in the sight of Israel! Of course this is long before the disciples of Jesus... but still a formidable statement none the less. ~

The book of Joshua begins with the description of Joshua taking charge as it were - but I find something else interesting in 1:03 of Joshua, which sounds rather similar to the basic idea of modern embassies, though somewhat out of context. ~

Especially in the development of the tribes of Israel disbursing long years later, in a similar context as previously exploring consistencies socially within such developments - it definitely seems a potential relation - especially given the saturation of the work known as the bible in popular Christianity as well as societies in general. ~

1:07 then perhaps lends some insight into the reasoning of extreme efforts to comply dually with the ill result of the curses; As instruction from the Lord, Joshua is told as well to obey the instructions and further it is emphasized do not deviate from them, turning either to the right or to the left. Further that such will render success in everything a person does. ~

I see this as meaning a few things - the first of which definitely corroborating a decided lack of effort to comply in extremes (especially for the prizes), then further that such an approach will fulfill the failures in smaller doses as well - being then carried along with/by both the atonement and the moderate success found in common existence with such instruction in mind. ~

This also means that those failures will be fulfilled so to speak - but also will then be seen as success in everything.... given that such failures are instructed as well within the same writ which commands compliance with the instructions. ~

Humble, productive living seems very much the underlying instruction here. ~

Neither an extreme effort to comply, nor an extreme effort to fail. ~

Turning to the right...left being applicable in that sense, I would think. ~

It even stresses to obey all of the instruction - which of course then includes the failures for which to atone in celebration (as has been described).

This aspect seems quite strange when looking at modern society and the tendency toward political extremes of one or the other. Tending to place those of such common success, between two extremes - both claiming compliance with something in one form or another. ~

The strange part of this from my perspective is in regarding the level of saturation and influence from popular Christianity - if only as result of the years of development. ~

It does present another similarity I would imagine, upon closer consideration in comparison - given that patterned motion I have noted in the non-linear sense - and further with the depicted changes to the tribes of Israel throughout this work. ~

That, being the noted potentials in political changes and further the developed diversities progressing through a process of divergence. ~

This of course being heightened and then re-focused with the introduction of previous consistencies, then in a future consideration from this point in the work - the introduction of even Christ and the disciples. ~

Then even more so in considering that social motion as per said influences - with the introduction of the idea of Christ itself then tending to one extreme or the other as per said divergence between old testament and those continuations with/within the seemingly greater influence of the new testament. ~

Which again, beyond the existing potentials politically between the tribes - then introduces an expansion of - onto, an existing body (being the Israelites in this instance). ~

In a broad sense, and regarding the initial tendency of the multiple/single point of focus - such, as would be the introduction of Christ, then seems as though it is another attempt to re-establish such a single point of focus. ~

Such is consistent with the existing pattern of that progressive development; Jacob(Israel), Moses/Aaron... Christ... (at this point with of course King David and some others within that developing motion) - the Christ aspect happening more within the motion of/with the developments pertaining to conquering nation(s) - even utilizing them in ways explored previously. Further though, within that instance and symbolism of Christ (as well as actions) - it seems in considering it - and in regard to that use of single point of focus - that such had perhaps polarized in the directions designed - within the tribes so to speak, as previously explored.

Then, with the symbolic representation of the tribes (being disciples), such was again set into another motion. Albeit a motion as can be discerned with/within the larger divergence, and not altogether being accepted within the larger body (as standard). ~

It will be interesting to study someday, the greater influences of the time - but it seems that the extremes in modern society are of such divergence - if only in said larger influence. ~

As a thought, the symbolism of the idea(s) of Christ - seems to present further a need to no longer attempt to adhere to the instructions previously presented, especially in the extremes - which suggests that perhaps the failures did arise to a degree that warranted some effort to atone for them? Perhaps in the conquered aspect, as well? (further studies)

The physical symbolism I can see of the crucifixion, briefly considering it - suggests a torturous bonding at the extremes - especially of right and left - which of course must not be of the previous instruction, as previously noted. ~

Within this comparison, such then suggests the extremes of right and wrong - which again, in understanding the previous instructions - do not exist in that sense. That is to suggest in such understanding, that to have failed in having any human failings, so to speak - is to have failed in the eyes of those instructions - meaning there could be no extreme of correct achieved, unless it was then relegated to/within the idea of incorrect in having done so through not adhering to the instructions. ~

Such I see as where the ill effect of/as result of the previously explored idea in extreme effort to comply, would arise. Such extreme efforts really then only becoming incorrect within themselves. ~

While it seems obvious that such a brutal form of execution/torture (crucifixion) was not of the Israelites (though having been brutal themselves), the symbolism presents other facets to consider within the existing motion (socially) of the time. ~

Physically, the symbolism suggests the extremes of right and left - as well as other extremes - suspending the body in a more centrist position, which of course in examining the previous instructions - through the tendencies of human nature, will have been most of the more successful/productive of the Israelites. (considering this at this point in the work itself).

This then physiologically - even sub-consciously tends to promote a leaning to either extreme in an effort to be the nails within the symbolism, as opposed to the body. ~

Again, such is in reference to the physical presence that thousands of crucified people would have seemed to represent in some level of perception. Again, aside from the potentials in/of transference as previously explored - and from a slightly different perspective comparatively with the previously explored rules within the work that such became an extension of. ~

Of course it is that I am speaking of quite a ways from the present area of reference within this work concerning popular Christianity. And even between this area and the introduction of Christ are other examples within the progression of developments. King David being one of them - and a rather good example as per productivity, if I recall correctly. Very much the embodiment of barometer previously explored, and as well very similar to that having been depicted as per king and the similarities such contains with modern political offices. ~

When considering these different perspectives in a non-linear sense as many of them echo through modern society - it presents an interesting visage to say the least. ~

Thursday, March 08, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; 12/23/2006 (Too Much Effort To Comply? More Observation Of Christ)


Popular Christianity 12/23/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

Too Much Effort To Comply? More Observation Of Christ

An Observation


David A. Archer




30:11 of Deuteronomy almost seems to warn even of too much effort to comply.

The tone of it almost seems like a hint in that direction.

Then 30:12 seems to again foreshadow Christ in some ways, almost contrary to the previous - seeming - reassurance of ease to some degree. ~

This perspective of course is from our modern day, long after the introduction of Christ - but in that almost tells then of a given level of failure of the tribes of Israel in that very introduction as it might relate to this verse in particular. ~

Did the majority of the Israelites fail to see the ease in which and with which such reassurance alludes to? ~

Was it only apparent failure with the conquering Romans filling the role of prophecy culmination - then forcing the application of Christ? ~

Further then, in regard to these aspects of again reasserting attention to commands and decrees which some would argue are/were unreasonable/impossible to fulfill - that perhaps, as briefly stated, the work itself could hold the potentials of a sort of psychological warfare - being, within consideration of such opinion stating impossibility and the like - a sociological bomb so to speak - having only the apparent designs of failure ultimately? ~

This of course is further considerable in that no person is supposedly of infallible/Godly perfection - which then reasons that failure is inevitable - and potentially destructive when then excluding the previously presented aspects for atonement. ~

To consider the extremes presented in the Lord stating the Israelites to be not good and a stubborn people - then to issue such decree as total compliance or nothing (maybe worse) is to see an example of the differing extremes I have noted within the observable motion between them. ~

It also substantiates perspectives from the consideration that the design itself seems destined to failure. At least prone to even amplify the effect of human tendencies in/of perceived - categorized that is to say - failures. ~

While it is that I personally believe as previously stated - that it is a cash and carry approach which found most success in relation to efforts to comply (compared to that in want of reward for instance) - it can be seen in such lines of thought, where the introduction of Christ may have been seen as necessary by some. ~

But, I am inclined to say only by some given the obvious point of divergence in the continuance with said introduction and the maintenance of the previous belief structure - however removed from the previous normal atmosphere. ~

Especially in further considering the developments around and post Christ (modern forms of Christianity). Many with a major focal point at the very area where Christ was introduced. ~

Perhaps such focus even indicates the failings of the particular interpretations previously which then diverged in that direction of continuance/development? This in noticing the aspect of such distinction being perhaps indicative of earlier tendencies by some to address sections within such efforts to comply - as opposed to the work applied as an entirety. ~

Of course the conquering aspect(s) lend influence as well - but again, even the development of the more modern versions through that conquered aspect - speaks volumes to the consistent application of it. ~

Most definitely something to continue to consider as the work continues in study. ~

Especially in considering the apparent development sequence of such character use/application as is the idea of Christ. ~

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