Wednesday, February 28, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/22/2006 (Standards Set For Failure? More Comparison And Consideration Of The Idea Of Christ As Result Of A Developed Chain Of


Popular Christianity 12/22/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




29:23 of Deuteronomy then depicts a rather ominous chain of events which could be seen from modern perspectives as having told the future to some extent - which then gives a person reason to consider several things really. More especially in again considering the intention of such strenuous guidelines as prospectively setting up the failure of the people? ~

Further perhaps, beyond being an instruction book - actually filling the purpose of a battle ground of sorts between the extremes presented within it. ~

Not even so much as utilizing the apparent motion in that movement I have noted within it - but only having been a manifest of those extremes in/from some perspectives - which then lead to the extreme measure within its continuation with and through the introduction of Christ?

02/15/2007 As a note to maintain a sense of consistency here, these thoughts regarding the introduction of Christ are very much from the perspective of consideration of the work from the current perspective in thought in study within the book of Deuteronomy. It is still some time within that linear consideration of this work, before the figure of Christ is to be introduced.

From a more distant consideration in an abstract sense - considering the results having transpired, even with the rather diligent maintenance of many rituals within it from the most ancient times - it could be reasoned as perhaps even been a ploy to render such results?

I realize that is an extreme consideration - and within it is an assumption of god having some sort of political agenda beyond that being topically discerned within the pages of the bible. ~

I am more inclined, within that abstract consideration - to see such potential as having been as result of the obvious extremes within that multiple potential. Perhaps in considering the proposed motion, even the work itself having been rendered as a result of a larger struggle - the stream of it being rendered in our perception as it has been presented thus far. ~

Further, something of the sort is supported in stating that the curses and blessings will transpire - this being stated without regard to atonement and other effort to comply. Matter of factly - as if such were un-avoidable. ~

29:23 definitely stands as another point of contact sort of example - though such is a unique example thus far in the context of it being of destruction - Sodom and Gomorrah being cited in comparison to the impending results of the curses at the time. ~

29:28 bears striking resemblance to two notable movements of people I can immediately recall - one of them being the shipment of prisoners from Europe to Australia - and the other of course (as I am exploring currently) being a rather involved and ongoing version known as the United States of America, in the form of populating the country with refugees from others. ~

In another sense when considering the consistencies presented thus far - and further, the progressive aspect of such consistencies - it then presents the potential that within these descriptions of curses to transpire - is the culmination of that progressive consistency eventually onto the Israelites themselves, as a matter of the consistencies, themselves. ~

As previously explored in connection with Jacob/Israel/Aaron/Moses/Jesus - there is a growing progression in the scapegoat sense.

More so, in the place where sins are contained and then remedied presumably. ~

Perhaps it is in that progression eventually culminating, that such curses will happen to all of the tribes of Israelites? ~

The Israelites then, from our perspective in modern society according to these passages - will eventually serve the same purpose as Christ within that progression. Then, as is described in chapter 30 to some degree - again being resurrected so to speak. ~

At this point in the work then, it seems silly to attempt any sort of total compliance given the tone of it being so matter of fact - and further then is its own examples of paradox.

In commitment to such writ, is then the commitment to such as said curses transpiring as well. Especially within the commitment level in attempts at compliance. ~

This paradox then lends different light to the idea of Christ as well - especially in considering the commitment level aspect as well as the perception in approach and application.

To believe and attempt compliance (total, unquestionable compliance), is to believe and bring the result of curses.

02/15/2007 To further note thought as I transpose this entry, such then as with much of the work considered in a larger sense, seems very much to be of human tendency. as a person may watch a child playing.. perhaps doing things they know from previous instruction not to do, then attempting to conceal it in the effort to comply - such then could be reasoned as the common approach of most people - which of course then presents the need to accommodate - an area so to speak, where in such mysterious occurrences (as everyone is obviously in compliance, right?) can be addressed - thus rendering the larger duality in the social sense as is demonstrated in separating the Israelites between the Mountains pertaining to curse and blessings. Through said transference, it could be said that the average, everyday transgressions are minimized to some degree.

This then, in Christs acts of/in rebellion even to the scriptures - is of said scriptures!

Beyond what may be the attempts to break those curses and beyond even establishing a doorway through them. ~

Considering the dynamic of this within the social progression and developments - it then presents areas where envious attitudes would manifest in seeing the successes of others (as is human tendency). Especially considering the facet presented of too much effort (want as it were) to get the prizes seemingly promised for compliance - actually brought about the curses in as much haste as was applied in attempts to win the prizes - further and more quickly then I assume, with ulterior motive(s) present.

02/15/2007 As noted within these thoughts in several places, it can be seen here that this seems to be an ideology to facilitate everyday existence - at least in having such potential within/of it - but of course, as per those human tendencies, the various forms of abuses have manifested and remained a part of it... though, I would even argue that such tendencies are very much considered as can be seen within the depiction of Saul among others.

In some respects within the developments since Christ, such a tendency in progression and of course in considering the aspect of furtherance through being conquered - it lends the Romans the role of fall guy beyond even, having crucified Christ. ~

It further presents a rather simplistic though seemingly effective hell of sorts - this through the immediate confusion a person might have in finding as many curse as rewards for over diligent effort in compliance - seeing as the work itself is both blessings and curses. Especially for those complying to such extremes only in the effort of procuring a reward - further, in the effort of being seen as better suited for reward than those not involved in such ploys and consequently within a more common means of compliance - avoiding the manifestation of curses within such common approach (lack of ploy for instance) - though still benefiting from simple productivity. ~

The confusion seems it would then serve as further inspiration as desperation in perhaps then fueling even gross transgressions as result of said confusion and re-doubled efforts in avoiding what they themselves feel, should befall them. ~

Come to think of it, in that sense and potential dynamic - such could then render the fall guy - spoiler - element, as a perceived God like position in making such motions as stealing from the (potentially) righteous living in simple compliance - to award to those posturing of deservedness within said ploys - popularity even - and of course, supposed compliance. ~

Though I can see this as a common use of such dynamic - even in the popular perceived meaning of Christ in such a capacity - my personal opinion is that such use and tactic ruins the otherwise prosperous potential(s) of acknowledging the facet that effort (in such designs) in such compliance - especially for ulterior reasons - brings as much hardship and loses the value of the simple compliance in the course of existence. ~

It seems then very much to have become a standard approach in many ways... to the degree even of priority being a concern of how to avoid the mishaps, while being entirely ignorant of the other potential benefits in the more common application sans such ploys. ~

Such a dynamic then seems to magnify the initial power struggles becoming evident with the recently described divisions and divergences. ~

Coupled with the spoiler aspect, then seems to render a potential motion of those being able to pay/compensate said spoiler - then proceeding to victimize those having found more successful paths through common compliance - minding ones own business for instance, and being simply productive - cash and carry sort of designs.

Of course such efforts to procure utilize the appearance of a greater compliance in such influences - even in the fact that such greater compliance to such extremes as to be flaunted and reasoned as deserving being evidence of/to themselves as being to the contrary.

But, I suppose that few would recognize that in modern popular perception - Maybe such is from where the adage rich get richer first began? ~

It definitely presents different approaches to the idea of Christ. ~

The immediate result in design rendering such a scapegoat - even from the spoiler element. ~

The longevity result in such a design rendering such as concept within which better results can arise from said simple application of simple compliance through existence. ~

It seems then a division of immediate perceived results and the potential in experiencing existence. ~

Given the tendencies of people in general - it seems the designs in use for longevity would need be in a rather large sense. Perhaps something large enough to accommodate the more desperate tendencies within even itself - though unknown to any (given those tendencies). ~

Thus far then, that even through the hideous descriptions of curses and plundering - the most efficient course within it, is simple existence with attentions to ones interests - performing ones profession with earnest for example (as per honest measure) - and of course without too much ambition in attempting to look as more in compliance - especially given as is stated that all of these blessings and curses were to transpire.

Such being further substantiated in 29:19.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/21/2006 (Did They Drink So Much, They Forgot They Drank Anything At All?)


Popular Christianity 12/21/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

Did They Drink So Much, They Forgot They Drank Anything At All?

An Observation


David A. Archer




Again in Chapter 29 of Deuteronomy, is yet another repetition with yet another peculiar augmentation concerning alcohol. For some reason at this point it is said that no alcohol was consumed since leaving Egypt.

It further describes the Israelites as without faculties such as understanding or similar sight and hearing in same suggested ways. ~

Chapter 29 then makes other differentiations, including an air of the covenant just being established - suggesting that all previous was not of the covenant - even stating that the present act of entering into the covenant will establish the Israelites as his people. ~

This even after again having likened those present with those having left Egypt - then further stating that their future generations will be of the terms as well.

Those who are not standing here today. ~

29:18 then again presents a tone as if Moses were God; I am making this covenant with you.... ~

29:20 then reveals an aspect of the bible which few consider, even beyond the stated instruction aspect - being that it is a book of curses as well as blessings in the literal sense, stating curses to be written in it quite blatantly in that verse. ~

Such again very much points to a multiple aspect in a single focus, even though human tendency itself is frequently to extremes.

This presents a God having ability toward severe brutality and kindness. Something which modern society does not even accept of individuals. Especially in an open manner - thus forcing many into social inversions due to peer pressure.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/20/2006 (continued) - (The Devil Can Do That, Too! Devour your Children!)


Popular Christianity 12/20/2006


Study Notes And Journal Entries,

The Devil Can Do That, Too! Devour your Children!

And of course, the imposed suggestive suggestions, suggesting suggestive interactions!

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/20/2006 (continued)

28:20 of Deuteronomy further presents curses for disobedience. It gives reason to consider the potential dangers in such curses - unless of course a person is aware of their own level in compliance - given the relationship (and known rivalry) between the Lord and Lucifer. Especially considering what is widely known as a popular tactic fro the Devil in considering such a proposed duality and dichotomy - being mimicry.

How easy would it be with such discord, for the Devil to level similar results resembling the effect in result of such curses?

Even utilizing the same reasoning in destroying any with designs of abandoning the mimicry as if to be the Lord punishing wayward action? ~

Again and especially at this point in time regarding this ideology - such efforts of/in entirely separating the idea of good and evil in our world presents only potential destruction(s) untold. ~

Such consideration and reasoning bolsters my perspective and opinion regarding the efficiency of such ideology(ies) in our modern day - most especially beyond the idea of Christ and further given the depth at which humanity already employs daily, that which was/would have been considered extreme abomination in that time period. ~

I still contend that the work itself is best understood as an entire consideration - given that such would be the desired result in considering it at all. though it is that within it are the particulars still in motion which obviously comprise it. ~

Yet again perhaps example of paradox/dichotomy - and further human growth and development of capacity and understanding. ~

28:25 continues with curses for extreme disobedience, but now turns the potential scattering in seven directions into a possibility for the Israelites under the wrath of their enemies - sending even defeat of the Israelites for failure to comply. ~

Of course, as history shows, the Israelites were conquered - but as well in the same history can be seen the use of those conquering societies to actually further the belief structure itself - even providing for several mutations between it and existing hosts having conquered them, which very much is an attribute in my opinion of the soundness of at least the consistencies having been established as per a motion of social development. ~

Such a shift in social normality from overt conquerors to conquered residence seems only to have provided further potential for the more socially geared aspects of the previously proposed consistencies and conquering.

The infiltration aspects so to speak, whether or not such was intended at the time. The consistency of/between existing social influences - as a matter of course has even given rise to mighty nations of themselves, with no direct affiliation to those initial consistencies. ~

It is within these passages containing curses for failure to comply, that more insight is brought to the introduction of Christ and more so in the time period that such transpired - after having been conquered to a greater or lesser degree. ~

It also gives more consideration to the idea of an employed mimicry transpiring (at least potentially) in the conquering nations doing themselves, things described as to transpire in the event(s) of such non-compliance as would mandate curses. ~

Such a social area considering the attempts of other nations to posture as bringers of supposed punishment - occurs to me as a potential birthplace of Ecclesiastics - Church Politics so to speak being employed within the and as the potential postured punishment, there then arises the potential of postured compliance in reaction while further facilitating more political subject matter in regard to both tendencies. ~

A person really has to wonder at the common (and seemingly implied) interpretation and understanding of this work as to be a literal mandate through and through given the severity for failure of such a collection of rules and standards in that literal sense. ~

A person could reason from such angles that perhaps - in that literal and rigid direction - that it was decidedly failed in that sense before it even continued on. Especially at this point of the work, itself. ~

To realize within this apparent example of extreme in regard to the observable motion within it and to consider something such as 28:15, to somehow supersede and outweigh the previous and larger design for remitting atonement - then it is that this body of people were most definitely cursed. ~

But - in regarding the work in motion of it, as an entirety, not only are the extremes of a potential duality and multiple aspect revealed more obviously within the current passages - but the wisdom in considering the work in an entirety becomes more obvious as well. ~

How could it be reasoned that the God presenting ceremony and consistency - avenues for atonement of/for transgressions - be the same comprised elemental body which now pronounces some rather extreme curses if they do not obey all of the commands and decrees? ~

This extreme displays the pronounced possibility within the multiple/single aspect I have described. ~

Further in considering these passages filled with some rather inhuman descriptions as curses - then provides, as stated, an amount of probability in/for the eventual introduction of Christ - further, with that introduction of Christ as result and in effort presumably to stave the continuance of such curses, it then suggests from my present perspective in the modern day - that perhaps the existing writ/decree of the time was not itself recognized as of distinct extremes of influence - then further, does not seem to have been regarded as a work in entirety. Though, such contradicts the previous presented social dynamic and potentials in such a consideration as the work not being recognized as an entirety. ~

At the risk of being seen as a heretic, this inconsistency then points most definitely to the imposed aspects of such curses from other - perhaps conquering - civilizations from the perspective which chose to ignore the larger work as entirety. ~

In that then, perhaps forcing the very necessitation of the idea of Christ within those more political turmoils - to counter the oppressive and imposed aspects of confined and literal interpretation(s) of such curses. ~

Perhaps having been conquered somehow then presented a perceived understanding that such curses were in effect, while progressively removing the options for atonement with the oppression? ~

02/14/2007 As further note within this consideration, it is entirely possible that such confined perspective as result of being conquered and oppressed, the facilitated further the larger progress - even more so, facilitated the confined and contained perspective of those conquering enemies pertaining to the larger body of the work itself. Somehow failing to see the larger motion of it as it transpired within and of that larger, ongoing consideration - much within the act of oppression itself.

But of course, as mentioned, such was only a given aspect of the resulting transition in being conquered. Other facets obviously continued in the furtherance of said consistencies. ~

Even being similar to some areas within said curses - then leading a person to wonder if such design in curse was not actually a blessing in disguise, so to speak - through facilitating the further and more diverse establishment of the existing consistencies. ~

28:36 and 28:64 demonstrate this in then considering a consistency fo being exiled over and again - while maintaining levels of the previous consistency(ies) ~

Again, in considering the possibility that the means for atonement were removed - it then very much is that the figure of Christ is necessitated and very much is substantiated in/from such reasoning's when considering the idea presented in symbolic transference of flesh and blood. ~

If God was the Israelites King, and Christ was presented as the son of God, then it is (as previously explored), that Christ was then symbolically the son of all Israelites - even the Israelites themselves. ~

This can then be seen as relation to the curses such as devouring ones own children as sustenance - through then attaching it symbolically to the action of consuming unleavened bread and wine - which further then, related to pass over. ~

Within the relation with pass over, is another turn in development symbolically in the reference to Christ being the lamb of God and the wine representing his blood - such then would direct a transference to the houses having been marked for pass over with lambs blood, perhaps to encompass all of the Israelites in that point of contact. ~

Such is, among other things - a definite area of yet another divergence. This being obvious in the continuance of the Hebrew faith and of course the manifestation of Christianity in various forms - though it is a notable interest that among many of the obvious actions Christ was said to have done - and further those actions having been remarkable similarities in a contrary sense to many of the curse in the passages - within that obvious divergence, some of those curses continued in progression and development both relating to the motion of Christianity and the motion of the previous consistencies - separately to some degree it seems. ~

Considering the level of transference and symbology thus far within the work - now even noted as Book of instruction - it becomes more and more obvious that even the necessitation of Christ to serve as such a tool for transference, was very much inevitable and further, politically motivated.

Within the already existing forms of transference seems to have been adequate means to accommodate the extremes of such curses as eating ones own children and the sort. ~

The present comparison with Christ then further presents a larger, self consuming cycle within the applied context of lamb and un-leavened bread, as well - which even heightens the divergence at the introduction of such. ~

In some perspectives, it could even be reasoned that the results of such introduction, was more a continuance than the creation of other faiths. this in considering the initial (though only partial intent) action in association with the Israelites and pass over with the actions of Christ - but setting into motion within that divergence - a self consuming cycle in progression - however symbolically (within those lines of consideration). ~

The biggest difference I suppose is then a matter of perceived distance given the present curse to consume ones own children greedily even, where that which can be discerned within the resulting symbolism of related areas in the actions of Christ - places a distance to the initial pass over, through transference at given points of contact. ~

28:68 is something I have as of yet to hear of transpiring in the curse of the Israelites being sent back to Egypt, offering themselves as slaves only to be refused. ~

02/14/2007 To note on this in current study - it is recently within the book of 1 Kings, that Solomon - the son of David, takes Pharaohs daughter as his first wife.... then, as it is described as having transpired, Solomons son loses the majority of the kingdom to an individual having fled from Solomon to Egypt - only to return with Solomons death. Symbolically, such could be of relation to some degree.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/20/2006 (The Scent Of Blood In The Wild? Heads And Tails? Does Across The Street Change?)


Popular Christianity 12/20/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

The Scent Of Blood In The Wild? Heads And Tails? Does Across The Street Change?

An Observation


David A. Archer




It is rather notable to have stated that enemies will scatter in seven directions - the common ritual regarding sacrifice at the time was in sprinkling blood upon the altar 7 times. Perhaps a relation within that as well even further than the idea suggested of blood. ~

Though it is a bit of speculation, considering the described idea that burnt offerings are a pleasing aroma to the Lord - this would then suggest a level of relation in an olfactory sense which could then easily be applied to the relation of blood sprinkled seven times, and the symbolic association of enemies then being spattered with it, in that sense. Such as chum for a shark so to speak. ~

Given that cooking flesh was acknowledged and further that blood is even said to have been reserved for the Lord in some instances - it seems that the symbolism within that is akin to smearing honey on someone near grizzlies. As well, the bread of suffering is consumed for 7 days during pass over. ~

This affiliation with enemies and 7, then seems to create another symbolic relation as well - in affiliating them with a proximity (though symbolically) with the altar and even the ark of the covenant - again, given that the blood is sprinkled seven times. ~

This line of thought then suggests a slightly different capacity (perhaps) of the altar and ark itself. Presumably through this line of reasoning, employing it in a curse like manner as in symbolically entrapping the enemy within those commandments and somewhat between the Lord and the proposed agreement with/for the Israelites. Symbolically exposing them (the enemy) to their own faults in regard to the presented Israelite belief structure. Knowing them to obviously not be in compliance. ~

If it were thought that the ark and altar held the focus of a larger influence in the contained manner previously explored - in or near which only safe existence could transpire through the established consistencies and conditioned atmosphere - then, within that belief structure, it is no far leap to realize that such exposure outside of those consistencies would be thought to have adverse effects on those not sufficiently within the confines of the established consistency/conditioned atmosphere. ~

Again, providing it were thought that such ritual and belief structure honed and contained at least a portion of a larger influence. Perhaps similar as could be a constructed wind break within a perpetual wind storm? As said contained influence may have been similar to in regard to comparison as per understanding. The wind break being representative in this example, of the existing consistencies relating to this explorative example. ~

28:13 of Deuteronomy puts forward another metaphor that is intriguing in regard to prospective reward for compliance with the commands having been issued by the Lord. Such compliance is said to always make you the head, not the tail and always the top, not the bottom. ~

Beyond this obviously being metaphor suggesting a series of one being preferable to the other - a person is drawn to consider what it may reference; Head and Tail of? Top and bottom of? ~

This then presents a duality in presence yet again and rather in a firm manner in this instance providing that the Lord perceives a Top and Bottom and a Head and Tail. ~

Given the statement of tail and further the consistency of anything (most anything) having a tail at this point has become a sacrifice in one form or another - it kind of takes away from the initial allure presented within such a statement. ~

Perhaps then further, given the previous issued decree that the Israelites were not good and a stubborn people, the Lord might actually not be expecting entire and total compliance to have been possible - which, in a broader consideration of applied social, then would relegate the Israelites to somewhere in the middle on average - given human tendency.

Neither head nor tail nor top nor bottom in that greater perspective. ~

This of course not being in comparison to other civilizations/cultures - but only in consideration of human tendency and the suggested possibilities within this belief structure itself. ~

This then further substantiated in considering the result in that sense, of the opposing presented extremes of curse in perceived disobedience and blessing in compliance.

Then yet further in considering the presented ability and means through which to atone for transgressions with the act and action(s) of celebration. Provided it was done in a somewhat conducive manner regarding desired result in effect of blessing and curse punishment. ~

Personally, in regard to top and bottom as suggested in the more grand sense within the time period issued - from my perspective in the modern day in considering even the result of such introduced structures and the subsequent mutations over time - it doesn't seem that their is a possible top in that sense - nor perhaps even a discernable and likewise constant bottom - though within the continued motion of such social designs - there are somewhat extreme examples of both. ~

This, as such social structure(s) continue in progress with, within and even of other similar social designs in motion. ~

(Other Notes Pertaining To The Motion Of Concept Into Realization Through The Process Of 'Progress')

In another angle of perspective regarding the possible context of such statements as top and bottom - wouldn't it be reasonable then that the top is a comparison even with the idea of God in that sense, being presumably the most high? ~

Then what of considerations in perspective(s) concerning possible motion between our plane of existence and that of the Lord within this ideology? ~

It would stand to reason given the examples of pronounced extremes, that such a motion exists - which in effect then would seem to result in an unrecognized shift in perspective.

For example, within the consideration of a possible difference in that motion; the top being on the side at times, and even at a position once having been regarded as bottom though not acknowledged as such within and through the insulated area of difference. ~

Meaning perhaps that the Lords perspective (similar to our likeness being similar as described) sees things only in and from said perspective as do we, from our own perception of our own surroundings without regard for what may transpire in regard to a position respect in such a relationship - between the different perspectives. ~

Our the top and the bottom always being seen from our perspective as our the top and the bottom - and likewise the Lords perspective; The top and The bottom always remaining consistent from that perspective - but the relation between the separate sets of the top and the bottom actually having a non-fixed relationship. At times even only juxtaposed instead of a direct opposite consideration.

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; 12/19/2006 (continued II) - (Odd Or Even? Rock, Paper, Scissors? You Guys Stand Over There, And We Will Stand Over Here?)


Popular Christianity 12/19/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

(continued II)

Odd Or Even? Rock, Paper, Scissors? You Guys Stand Over There, And We Will Stand Over Here?

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/19/2006 (continued II)

Chapter 26 is another review of offerings and tithes for harvest, though 26:05 indicates the Israelites stem from the Arameans through Jacob. ~

26:12 then again addresses every third year tithes to be that of the Levites, foreigners, orphans and widows. ~

A particular augmentation in this instance is in 26:14 with the importance of not having consumed any of the tithe during mourning, or handled it while ceremonially un-clean - and further not having offered any of it to the dead. ~

26:15 indicates the Lord to be on high in asking that he look down from your holy dwelling place in heaven... - suggesting an aloof aspect to God in this instance instead of the co-existing aspects previously indicated. ~

Genesis 1 states God as creating the heavens and earth. ~

This recent reference then suggests some affiliation directly with the heavens, as a dwelling place. ~

Is this then a removed reference to the sun? This in consideration of such being common of various previous social structure influences - Egypt for instance? ~

Does such a reference then firmly indicate a visitation aspect within the references of walking among you? ~

Does it indicate times when God is elsewhere? ~

Then yet as further consideration; Given that, as put forward in Genesis 1, God created heavens and earth...., and it is now in the heavens where God does reside. There must surely be something beyond, in that regard. ~

From where ever God created the Heavens and Earth. ~

As a total nut case venture here, I could say that this line of reasoning substantiates my previous exploration(s) in consideration of all that we know of the universe - more so, all of which we know it to be comprised of was actually at one time a huge planet like object, itself. So large as to not be possible for us to see it if it weren't they we existed within the remnants of it, in such a speculation. ~

A planet like object which broke apart somehow - rendering that which we call the universe. Itself only still maintaining some semblance of the previous objects path in some orbit like motion of its own. ~

Consider objects out there beyond our own universe so huge that we cannot even see them? ~

All within a similar organized motion as we see of our own galaxy and universe. ~

Such stands to reason within the consistencies observable. ~

Chapter 27 then again addresses Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Ebal. In this description it is further described with noting a specific assignment of tribes and on which mountain they are to stand in issuance of curse and blessing. ~

6 tribes each are to have stood on each mountain, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph and Benjamin were to have stood atop Mt. Gerizim to proclaim a blessing and Reuben, Gad, Asher, Zebulun, Dan and Naphtali were to stand atop Mt. Ebal to proclaim a curse. ~

This is further an interesting development in stating that the Levites will have then shouted to the people, a series of curses. This, even in the fact that they are previously noted as being set atop Mt. Gerizim to pronounce blessings. ~

In a slightly larger sense, this then adds to the potential dynamic in regard to political relation and interaction between the tribes and in/within the established separation in divergence previously described and explored. ~

So it is in this relation that Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh (Joseph) remained on the East side of the river, while all others and half of Manasseh went to the West side of the river.

Reuben and Gad having been atop Ebal, while Manasseh was atop Mt. Gerizim. ~

From immediate consideration this then created a balanced presence of 4 voices (2 each Ebal and Gerizim) on the East side of the river - with a 6 and 4 voice split on the West side being Gerizim and Ebal, respectively. ~

The Levites then serving a double representation in that grouping having been assigned atop Gerizim and as well assigned to pronounce the curses. ~

While this serves a similar representation on the East side, it seems that with the half tribe presence within such a dynamic, would result the more balanced inclination. ~

28 then describes blessings and further has yet another reference to seven (7). In 28:07 it describes the blessings of enemies will attack from one direction, but will scatter from you in seven. ~

Though this is entirely a different context in which the reference to seven has been previously issued, it is still a quite purposeful use in reference to it for the purpose of illustration. ~

If then, in yet more speculation a person associates 7 with the Star of David, and then further in that line - with Christ - who was said to have been of that blood line (and there-fore continuing affiliation with the Star of David), it could be reasoned that (within that affiliation) the idea of Christ is then refuge from the wrath of God on behalf of the most blessed of the Israelites. Though again, within that speculation - only the most righteous of them - and only toward those having attacked from one direction I presume. ~

Saturday, February 10, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/19/2006 (continued) (No Package Abuse! God Doesn't Want Hooker Money? Developing Commerce And Utopian Designs?)


Popular Christianity 12/19/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,


No Package Abuse! God Doesn't Want Hooker Money? Developing Commerce And Utopian Designs?

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/19/2006 (continued)

25:11 then seems to present a limit to such direction(s) of power for the female - through describing what is considered punishable in the loss of her hand should the woman grab the testicles of a man her husband is in a fight with. ~

From certain perspectives this could be seen as acknowledging the importance of virility, much in a certain respect as extending the previous powers to a female having been denied in certain situations - though in this example, demonstrating a different approach to the same respect. ~

25:13 then again shows decided concern for and with good commerce practices; scales and weights and honest measures. ~

Then something rather surprising in the context of miscellaneous consistency within these miscellaneous guidelines, is 25:17. It describes a mandate to be sure and destroy the Amalekites - and to erase their memory from under heaven. ~

This chapter itself seems as a good example pertaining to the larger motion I have observed within existence. Considering it without the presented individual meanings (designs within the context of subject matter) - it is possible to see what I am exploring in that larger sense. ~

It could almost be categorized as excerpts from the thoughts of different individuals at a given point in time - perhaps in a given amount of time as it transpired. ~

For consideration in presenting this perspective, note the procession of the chapter;

  • Right and wrong decision in court/40 lashes,
  • Ox on a treadmill,
  • A widows want of a child,
  • Two fighting men and a wife,
  • Honest weights and measure,
  • Rest before destroying the Amalekites

Again, they are under a sub-title of miscellaneous - but the movement through various subject matter in such a procession, is the aspect of motion I refer to in regard to that larger influence and motion. ~

Purely as speculation then in regard to this series in motion of seemingly un-related things - it is very much that within this single focus/multiple aspect, that the larger consistency then becomes the community itself. ~

Within the series of examples in chapter 25, it could be derived (if only for speculation in illustrating this produced larger consistency) that we have as example potentially;

  • Elders considering just punishments in hypothesizing among themselves
  • Then perhaps the concerns of a millwright in discovering a more efficient route than denying the ox with a muzzle
  • Then perhaps the concerns of co-inhabitants (in-laws) as they interact among themselves
  • Then further perhaps an extension of those concerns/conversation as the hypothetical subject matter changes
  • Then perhaps the concerns of a farmer pertaining to the sale of crops
  • Then perhaps the concerns of someone remembering previous battles.

Again, this is entirely speculation on my own part - but such in the interest of better depicting that larger motion through the use of potential results in the manner described. ~

Given the prominent aspect as stated pertaining to the Lord living among them, I would even go as far in speculation as to suggest such results in said procession being perhaps from a given feast/festival. Such subject mater could easily be considered as common conversations - even only culminations of said within such grand celebrations and feasts as have been described. ~

Samples so to speak - though being the culmination of various proximities in regard to such interactions - hypothetically - as one point of interest moved to another. ~

Friday, February 09, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; 12/19/2006 (Divorce In The Age Of Eye For Eye? How Liberal! I Want A Year Off Of Work To Honey Moon?)


Popular Christianity 12/19/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

Divorce In The Age Of Eye For Eye? I Want A Year Off Of Work To Honey Moon?

An Observation


David A. Archer




Chapter 24 again displays a rather liberal aspect in citing the possibility of divorce through issuance of a letter. Of course at this point in time, it is rather one sided compared to the one sided aspects in the modern day, but is a progressive development all the same when considering other social standards in the same time frame both of the Israelites and other societies. ~

Even after such divorce in this period, the female could still marry another. It is only after the second divorce where any limitation is set on marriage for the female. ~

24:05 cites yet another progressive aspect in stating that a newly married man could not be drafted into the military or any other official responsibilities. In fact, it reserves one whole year provided for the man to spend at home bringing happiness to the wife. ~

It would be difficult to find such opportunity in the modern day.

The pace and expense of any semblance of comfort in living, almost entirely demands full time employment - in some cases for both the man and woman in a household. ~

I can only imagine the laughter in the moment that someone requested a year off from work to spend at home with a new wife! For much more than simply the suggestion that a position would be expected to be held for them! ~

24:06 is more display in concerns of healthy commerce practices, as well as 24:10 and 24:14. ~

Again being significant in comparison, to the era and other civilizations. ~

Yet further in such a display pertaining to an interest in healthy society through justice as well. ~

A person can easily see the potential intention(s) toward a Utopia like society, yet again beginning in 24:19 in addition to the concerns for justice and commerce. ~

It is strange though to see profound potential(s) intermingled with what is now considered nearly shocking in regard to punishments. From my perspective in the present, it does seem a bit juxtaposed at least - if not the presence of two distinct extremes.

As a note here, this tends to support further the seeming consistency of idea being introduced long before the most efficiency is derived from it within the progress of the human species. Particularly odd is that existing combination of extremes in potential.

24:16 cites an example of this, being displayed within itself almost; Parents must not be put to death for the sins of their children, nor children for the sins of their parents. Those deserving to die must be put to death for their own crimes. ~

As is seen here, there is a concern for justice - a sort of caring even... but then existing within the extreme of quite common execution. ~

Perhaps evidence of the potential within humanity itself? Such profound presence within even the most harsh of perceived brutalities. ~

Of course and admittedly, such is from my perspective of the modern day within a rather safe society, from within a very modern country. ~

Perhaps it is indicative of the balance as well - within even the progress of existence? ~

Funny how one receding seems to promote the growth of the other! Less actual justice then providing avenue for greater brutality - while less brutality doesn't seem to create the avenue for more actual justice. ~

Such itself proves the tendency of humans as I have explored concerning corruption(s). ~

Quite a precarious area in that regard. ~

Further is displayed certain human qualities concerning justice in chapter 25:01 thru 25:03 of Deuteronomy. It demonstrates yet another seemingly contrary element to the consistent brutality, in limiting the number of lashes a person may issue as punishment so as not to publicly humiliate their neighbor. ~

Then again is suggested an idea that no one at all should go hungry - and especially should not exist in a state of want. 25:04 exemplifies such in mandating that an ox troding grain should not be muzzled to keep it from eating. ~

Though it seems insignificant and perhaps irrelevant - it very much shows a certain level of such concerns - even further in extending the perceived importance of such want even with animals and menial tasks. ~

Yet further this then relates the act of eating (as per some importance - feasts and the like), though it is in this instance, that of an animal. ~

25:05 thru 25:10 again shows remarkable liberal tendencies - this time in regard to a widows recourse in not being sired by her dead husbands brother. ~

It shows a rather potent point of influence in such a situation with the ability in discrediting the family line ever afterward of the situation. ~

In such an instance, after review and judgment, the woman then spits in the brother-in laws face and declares a curse of sorts upon him after removing a sandal from his foot. ~

Beyond the aspects of influence and power in this instance - I find thoughts in regard to the general approach in this example. From my perspective in our modern day, it seems to display a larger consistency through out humanity - more so perhaps a given point in consistent tendencies within a developmental progression of affiliation in the effort to achieve recognition. ~

We still do it it seems, but in a different manner. ~

In this example, the brother in laws family will there after be known as; The family of the man whose sandal was pulled off. ~

This sort of identity through affiliation was quite common in many civilizations in this very same example of tone in relations; A name comprised of something else. Some other descriptive action.

This seems to have then progressed into using likenesses as affiliation as well - then further progressed into language derivatives, housing similar meaning of affiliation. Meaning that after some time, no longer did people directly affiliate themselves with something, some action - but affixed a language derivative (being what we know as names) in the place of direct affiliation. ~

Such is consistent in most civilizations - at least those I can call to mind presently. ~

Thursday, February 08, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/18/2006 (continued) - (God Doesn't Want Hooker Money? Developing Commerce And Utopian Designs?)


Popular Christianity 12/18/2006


Study Notes And Journal Entries,

God Doesn't Want Hooker Money? Developing Commerce And Utopian Designs?

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/18/2006 (continued)

23:17 states that the monies of a prostitute cannot be used as offering.

I suppose then, depending upon a persons interpretation of prostitution and especially within the modern day - such might prove to be a little troublesome. Especially considering that most jobs are not sweat of the brow in the sense of work - which then, in no far stretch of the imagination - could very well be categorized as various forms of prostitution. ~

Again is evidence of developing commerce in 23:19, though it refers to loans given other Israelites - it still remarkably signifies definite commerce. ~

It most definitely presents a fraternal aspect as well within it, given the distinct separations now of Israelites and others living among them. ~

This then in combination with the social and political motion within that exclusive body, presents an even larger area of social dynamic to consider. ~

If I dare to venture here - such could be seen as similar in some ways with the body of elected officials and the general population of the modern United States. Differing of course in the respect that elected officials are not permanently of that intangible skeletal structure. ~

And of course, extracurricular financial ventures aren't always the better option for our modern officials. ~

23:24 states yet another rather communal aspect within a social dynamic. A person could enter their neighbors vineyard and eat their fill of grapes - but was not given permission to carry any away - and similar with heads of grain in a neighbors field, not to be harvested in such a manner as with a sickle. ~

This presents a consideration of very Utopia like designs in regard to such social interactions.

To not want or be in need of anything.

Further, considering the manner in which such was procured to begin with (piracy and plunder) - it then lends to further thought in crediting this movement with rather ground breaking social ideologies. this being pas - of course - the marauding and physically expansionary aspects. ~

A community of formerly nomadic cultures - establishing and even perhaps driving a substantial amount of commerce with the movement of festivities and celebrations within itself - then further establishing such guidelines as allotting for excess to be available to all (fields laying fallow - the most recent example of eating ones fill of grapes and hand fulls of grain, and of course allotting for a form of welfare in other ways), seems from a given perspective to have very Utopia like characteristics - at least in design through such descriptions. ~

I suppose it does stand to reason - though somewhat surprisingly to see so early on, that eventually someone would have to consider more to life than continuous warring. Especially in considering the establishment and maintenance of social aspects of community - especially further in the consideration of building and maintaining commerce independently of other influences while still possessing the ability for such actions and interaction.

As a note in recent considerations I have presented within the course of this topical study; The perspective presented here pertaining to observable Utopia like designs, again stands as example in the idea and reasoning that it seems a consistency such idea and development arise within humanity long before they are entirely understood much less most efficiently employed. Here are visible the beginnings of established forms of commerce which tend to possess the capability of promoting an efficiency beyond the warring aspect.

I do consider that within the observable progression of such, these initial ideas are not stand alone in the sense of verbatim application. That is to say that within the progress of civilization and such understanding as it has developed, is then the development in the consideration of capacity and applied idea.

I do not assert that these are the only examples of early economy. Further I do not assert that they developed on their own and as the only version of such. I do believe that within these designs are elements of modern efficient economy as they have developed and intertwined with other examples.

The idea of economy and commerce is itself entirely of a human importance.. which itself, as I consider it, may initially have been something thought that humanity would develop beyond. Perhaps it may someday... but there is still that pesky want of the thrill of the chase and the sort as those earlier tendencies toward warring have progressed into being represented through such mediums as commerce.

Then of course is the boy fight/girl fight having been derived largely as a means of stimulation to extended areas of and within economy as the most prominent reason I presume. And at this point in civilization, those things just seem too durned much fun to intentionally leave behind as a person could assume imposed development in those areas would entail.

I don't see such progression as happening in such a manner as imposed change. At least in the more efficient desired results I suppose as we continue to be suspended between what is presented as the physical and the cerebral... as if they didn't already co-exist long before some big brain decided they were in charge of separating them and insisting that one must someday be without the other, as it would seem has occurred.

While it seems that in a larger sense, the commerce described could easily become only pushing one stack of coins momentarily to another place - it then is aided with and within the diversity introduced within the social structure - this then preventing that sort of stagnation from occurring. ~

The commerce aspects - and I suspect even that more complicated (new) approach, may have been by design from where ever - as it is repeatedly emphasized that wealth will be with the Israelites. ~

Odd as I consider it, that much of the prevailing mentality from the area such was first implemented, is of the sort that some modern priests encourage people to save their ammunition in celebrating - to put into the chest of their enemies at a later point in time. ~

Such isn't to criticize so much as to observe the developmental extremes - perhaps even between interpretations?

Perhaps it could be seen as stages of influence - those of the initial area having been effected in a backwards motion to some extent; i.e. the development of better war tools happening into their existence from further along that influential progression from considered areas of modern development. Suspending development away from such warring considerations with the path of better warfare.

Even as that influential progression continues to churn with the version of other influences in a more modern setting.


War having transformed within the more progressive areas of that development, into other facets - and perspective having transformed as well within the same motion. ~

Definitely something else to continue considering. ~

Thinking further about this in general - considering the amount of sacrificing and offering within this structure - the Israelites must have been considerable in size at this point in time. the area must have been a much different atmosphere as well, considering the crops and live stock it had to sustain. ~

In then thinking about the Roman influence in conquering the area some time later - as well as Europe, it then gives insight into the direction and means for such sociological development - particularly curious at the moment, is considering the vineyards. Wine was prominent in many cultures of the area long before any Empires much less kingdoms.

While it was very much through the Roman networking as result of conquering most of Europe, that what we know of modern Christianity progressed. It seems that there was some considerable trade off in having been absorbed to some extent within the roman Empire. ~

Such expansion pertaining to the Israelites was then facilitated in ways other than the previous warring - through the Roman expansion. And, as is notable within having been conquered and absorbed, such would represent another fold in the previous consistency of the Israelites becoming influenced by neighboring cultures/societies though in a much larger sense concerning the Roman example. ~

Perhaps within the idea of modern Christianity - such an occurrence could be noted as a part of the development toward and even within, other means of expanding? Perhaps shifting the momentum from the previous bent of warring, to a larger focus of utilizing the result(s) of other - more dominant war machines, and further without their knowledge in that respect.

Utilizing the consistency of the larger social dynamics to maintain the aspects of their own - and even to expand upon it, much in a similar manner as the mentioned process observable particularly within Judges. Though the beginnings of the social motion are even seen within the time of Moses.

This further then producing another facsimile/emulation on a grander scale of the previous social structure. As note; The advent of roman Catholicism. the consistency of that social structure then essentially serving as those among you had previously during their dominance - though now in a much more broad - diffuse geographically - sense within the Roman Empire. Maintaining some level of consistency within their own community - however distant at that point, from one another - similar to that of the previously more contained Nation and Tribes of Israel. ~

Again, though somewhat distant from this point concerning studies - such development then facilitating much in many respects, to that progress in and of development. ~

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/18/2006 (No Package No Admission! If You Thought Divorce Was Bad? Wet Dreams In Adult Hood?)


Popular Christianity 12/18/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

No Package No Admission! If You Thought Divorce Was Bad? Wet Dreams In Adult Hood?

An Observation


David A. Archer




21:22 describes the punishment of hanging - and specifically that the person hung should not remain hanging dead from the tree overnight. It says to bury the body the same day. ~

This kind of puts a different light on the development of the Western United States particularly - more in reference to popular lore in even displaying bodies at times for what ever reason. ~

Chapter 22 looks as though it describes some basic social neighborly things in returning that of others and of course lending a hand in troublesome moments with donkeys and oxen. ~

22:05 then turns to dictate the difference between womens clothing and mens clothing in so far as forbidding one to wear the other. ~ This I see really as more in relation to something similar to 22:11, than in some effort to stem cross dressing. 22:11 stating that wool and linen woven together is unacceptable as clothing. I see a similar relationship in reasoning between men and womens clothing's - not to say one is wool and the other linen, but more a relative aspect in meaning - intention. Very much in the idea that (22:09) to plant something between two rows of another crop would then mean that neither could be used. ~

This of course, as we now know - being rather insightful pertaining to the effect of spores on one another - some with potential for mutation. ~

Yet further in suggesting some deeper aversion in such concerns, is the forbidding of plowing with an ox and donkey together. This pattern of separation even extending to types of stitches on clothing in some instances. ~

The reasoning which appears in 22:08 is rather intriguing. If a person were to build a new house, a rail must be included around the edge of the roof in the event that someone should fall from it - the owner would then be absolved of murder as it states. ~

Obviously the intention is in safety precaution(s) - but the murder aspect of a person falling from the roof is a glimpse into the social reasoning's of the time to say the least.

To be guilty of murder in the even that a person fell from the roof? ~

I suppose the distance between more modern reasoning and that display in 22:08, is as much the interesting part. ~

It could even be used in argument pertaining to the idea(s) right and wrong. This of course in the context of conditioned perspectives. ~

It might sound preposterous in the modern day to consider murder as a result of neglecting to install a railing - especially with the various other modern components in/of perspective - though, in simple consideration beyond those conditioned paths and opinions, why then couldn't it be seen as correct reasoning?

22:12 instructs that four tassels must be worn on the hem of a cloak - front, back and sides. ~

This I would presume as initially pertaining to the lunar cycle. Then further, as the compilation of the works called the bible was solidified - then found relation with the fourth book - Numbers - within the developed symbolic logic. ~

22:13 addresses standards for sexual purity. Something that humans are the only creature with reason to worry about. There is no other creature with such concerns. ~

02/07/2007 Something further to note hear about the developed perception of popular Christianity and things presented in instances such as this; There is no indication here of any inclination toward the idea of abstinence being a mandated goal. Such things and perspective, more than likely arose from the application of personal oaths - Nazirite examples and the sort.

Though I find the descriptions within these passages as no less than interesting, it is 22:17 that piques the curiosity - presuming the suggestion in proving virginity was pertaining to a broken hymen in regard to presenting the bed sheets - what of the female that had inadvertently broken the hymen? I suppose in that instance the females father would miss out on the 100 pieces of silver! ~

It calls to mind yet another comparison between/in the distance between modern culture and even interpretations and those depicted within these passages; Marriage itself in that day and age, seems to have been potentially as precarious as in the modern day - with only different reason and social consistencies in play. ~

Even casual relations could cost a person 50 pieces of silver if it was found out! And in some instances death was very much possible in both male and female respects regarding the perceived situation. ~

23 begins with quite the statement! If a mans testicles are crushed or his penis is cut off, he may not be admitted to the assembly of the Lord! ~

Obviously quite the importance placed on virility. This perhaps even as remnant from previous structures in such concerns with potency. Further as a note, this is similar in the context of being an incomplete person in such a state as other civilizations having permitted eunuchs for instance, to retain possession of their testicles in the interest of remaining complete though in fulfilling the service needed. ~

23:02 states that ten (10) generations must pass of a bastard child's line, until they may again be admitted for worship. ~

23:03 continues in addressing the other people in the area and forbids those having turned the Israelites away from joining the assembly of the Lord for ten (10) generations, then further condemns the Ammonites and Moabites in forbidding the promotion of their prosperity. ~

23:07 states that Egyptians may enter the assembly after 3 generations as can the Edomites. ~

23:10, under the title of miscellaneous regulations, states that a defilement due to nocturnal emission must be dealt with through bathing and staying away all day. ~

This is interesting to me in the reference of any man experiencing such. ~

In modern society, wet dreams are usually no longer an occurrence after puberty. ~

Curious that such is suggested as a possibility in that day and age for any man. ~

As a further note - thus far there has been no consideration in regard to female masturbation. It isn't as though they just invented it, of that I am certain! ~

23:12 speaks of latrine sort of standards in a manner that seems to suggest some instruction was needed. The odd aspect of such instruction is that it is put forward describing the digging of a hole for each need for one to relieve ones self. Then further, specifically to cover it each time. ~

Western culture seems to have diverged some in this development and progression - even upwards to the early mid 1900's in some places - the outhouse was rather common and obviously was not covered with every use aside from perhaps a handful of dirt thrown in - and in that, only in certain examples. Then further as note within the urban areas of Western culture for some period, was commonly a chamber pot under the bed or in the closet which many times simply ended up in the street.

23:14 describes excrement as a shameful thing as being reason to bury it with each movement. ~

To again consider the possibility of nocturnal emission for any man - though it is speculation, the consistency of such having become focused during puberty in the modern day, could represent a physiological change - perhaps directly as result of the concentration in focus pertaining to the single deity. ~

To think that perhaps such tendencies became more concentrated to within a given few years in the modern day - isn't all that far fetched and further so in comparison with things such as in 23:10 which suggest that such was common through adult hood as well. Even in considering the much earlier consideration in age constituting man hood from such areas and cultures. ~

23:15 describes that escaped slaves from other places must not be turned over to their masters. And must be allowed to live int he town of their choosing without oppression. ~

Again a similarity of this and the idea of welcoming the refugees of other countries as a citizen populous. ~

Further is an obvious similarity with the underground railroad in the American Civil War era of the United States. ~

Strange to some degree that a culture - new social structure - which employed the presence of its own slaves, would actually put forward such social standards. Immediately I think such would have been as much in the interest of subversion of those other societies which a slave may have escaped from, as in the interest of any humanitarian sort of function. ~

The Israelites, as is obvious at this point, having designs on exponential growth - could gain more in subversion value with such, than in returning them to their former masters. ~

Especially on a large scale sense in the instance that neighboring societies relied heavily on slave labor. To remove the everyday efficiency of those neighboring societies through removing potentially depended upon labor - was to make them all the more vulnerable. ~

That doesn't remove the potential benefits the former slaves could experience though - and in fact, made it all the more possible to find even better treatment and perceived success. ~

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; 12/17/2006 (The Illusion Of Night And Day? A Quartered Duality?)


Popular Christianity 12/17/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

The Illusion Of Night And Day? A Quartered Duality?

An Observation


David A. Archer




Considering the developing aspects of duality in several ways within the Bible, I feel I should note the biggest at this point being between the Lunar calender aspects and Popular understanding and perception of it in the modern day, with little consideration of that change over time. ~

This then presents a pattern within the consistencies of it, of dualities within - more so of dualities. This then seeming to present the day and night illusion as some firm separation - where it is of more of a compliance and non-compliance in continuance. This then rendering that which has been seen as development and progress even within itself (all facets of area within those dualities) as well as civilizations and communities which the popularity of it (said pattern of influence) has influenced. ~

There is even an area within the structure of it which seems designed to accommodate those non-compliance particulars until again righted, so to speak. This area for instance, being in those efforts of Aaron required to redeem both his sons (and line) and un-clean animals, regularly. ~

Symbolically this presents what could be seen as a holding area of sorts - a thru way in some senses - and yet further in the beginning of the idea of purgatory. ~

Such demonstrates the continuance aspect as opposed to any reasoning in interpretation of solidified placement. ~

It isn't even so much as good and bad in that larger sense - but again seems as much or more in accommodating existence in an eco-cycle of sorts. Even accommodating the unstable area in existence (within such considerations as said symbology and applied ceremony) of pregnancy for instance, and just after childbirth, within such designs. Creating a conditioned atmosphere of sorts within said symbolism of and even in the extremes. ~

The duality aspects in the larger perception(s) of it, then present within that consistency - no less than 2 heavens and conversely 2 hells in that sense. I would venture then to propose that if it were that such a belief structure were again to be practiced in a removed fashion for several hundred years - perhaps even on a different planet - it would then yield a similar pattern in that progression (particular to atmospheric influences of course) - assuming that it would be from the modern perspective that such would extend from - again, without regard for the previous layer within the Lunar influence in history.

Presenting then, within that extension - an unknown, un- realized extension and subsequent divergence of the previous manner in understanding and perception.. particularly in the presence of several individual Lunar cycles then representing that relative area within the consideration of those multiple influences and single point of focus. ~

I personally think the structure itself would accommodate such a diversity, and perhaps in the longevity of it - then produce variations of and within similar developmental paths we as a species have already seen and experienced. ~

Most especially considering from where, within popular perception, it seems such would be perceived as extension. ~

Would such then create an additional duality between existing, distant versions and that extension - as has been seen to some degree within our civilizations? ~

Then of course within the modern perception is the aspect of having achieved a separation - a level of isolation - between ourselves and those influences in ways I have already explored as well as many others I am sure. ~

Again, in 21:19 is mentioned the Town Gate as a place of judgment and even stoning. Although this instance pertains to a rebellious son - a glutton and drunkard - The reference to town gate again piques my interest in the relation through the constant symbolism's - with relation in a symbolic manner to the door of each house. This particularly in the issuance of decree pertaining to the display of commands and laws on the door/door post.

Further perhaps in a relation with the passover in Egypt and lambs blood?

Then relegating those being judged (and perhaps executed) with/under and in sight of - those commands and the spirit of death as it killed the first born of everything? Symbolising further a community decision in such relation. ~

Further then, within that, affiliating - more so relegating the judged and stoned - to that area of that which was consumed in those instances such as pass over - purging the evil from among the Israelites?

Monday, February 05, 2007

STUDIES IN THEOLOGY: 12/16/2006 (Red Cow Ashes = Tag You're It!, Good And Evil = Night And Day? Even Transgressions as Imprint?)


Popular Christianity 12/16/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

'Eye For Eye' More Memorable Than 'Investigate The Case Thoroughly'

An Observation


David A. Archer




12/15/2006 ~ Purification Water - Ashes of Red Cow? Similar relation? Gold glows red in fire light - symbolism of consuming the Golden Calf, gold dust? ~

As noted at the top of the page last evening - in considering the possible symbolic relations in this most recent ceremony and a connection with the Golden Calf as a point of reference/contact - it further occurred to me that another form of duality may be present here - more directly related to the governing aspects of sun and moon perhaps and a decided effort of maintaining a separation of sorts even. ~

This consideration - thought, pertaining to further symbolism and the Golden Calf incident - is pertaining to the purification water. As described, the ceremony to provide purification water includes the use of a red cow to be sacrificed and burned to ashes. ~

A red cow could be seen as symbolising the manner in which a Golden Calf appears in fire light - more so - at night. Perhaps even symbolically being the mother of such an apparition. This then further suggesting that the red cow being sacrificed and burned, is directly related to the Golden Calf at night, perhaps as it shown during the debauchery and sinful activities in worshiping it. ~

Such then further being attributed to the on set of illness within the Israelites as perhaps some remnant effect from the transgressions which occurred during those night time hours affiliated with the Golden Calf. ~

The ashes from the red cow then perhaps representing the result of Moses' actions in grinding the golden Calf to dust and then making the Israelites drink it. ~

Such would explain why anyone involved with the red cow ceremony - those even touching the ash - would be considered un-clean until such actions as described were taken to again make them right with the Lord. ~

The water of purification was used in the removal of sin which supports this line of thought in the same reasoning's of transference as does the medallion, as well. But, more seems in the effort of using a reference to that Golden Calf transgression, to capture the echo's of it - presumably manifesting in said sin and illness. ~

Again, a discerned difference in the relation between the purification water and the previous ceremony near a stream - being one having a closer relation - an affiliation with things having transpired at night at the point of reference being the Golden Calf and the other of the day time perhaps and the stream before having worshiped the false idol. Perhaps even as if to symbolize what was then seen as to have been the better path with the sacrifice of the cow at the stream. A symbolic, preemptive removal of the direction which yielded the Golden Calf incident. ~

Further, as similarity between the red cow and the most recent cow used ceremonially, is in the descriptions of them both never having been yoked to a plow. ~

This then presents further duality in the fact that it takes place within the Lunar calendar. Which of course places an affiliation more directly with the night time hours, than those of the sun. The duality being kind of forced in this instance having the decided evil being associated with Lunar as well as the presence of the Golden Calf. ~

This then reveals more of a cross roads aspect - a fork in the tree so to speak which is a bit different than the linear chronological illusion - common perception of the work itself. ~

This presents - if only through the continued symbolism(s) - the potential of a place if even in only an existential manner - where it is that such things as said ceremonies and symbolism's lead to in the sense of connection. Further, it provides for the consideration of a simultaneous continuance as well - if only through the presented duality. That is to say - the Israelites could at any time, be the same Israelites as were present at the Golden Calf as well as at any time then being the Israelites having followed Moses.

Perhaps yet again, if only manifesting symbolically as such in relation to a larger cycle - further only as a very limited example of potential combinations there-in (of the multiple potentials) through the set and firmed reference points within the larger motion itself - again, being the Golden Calf and conversely the issuance of the Lords decree. ~

This then, in an existential consideration regarding the Golden Calf point of reference, then presents off set echo's with the use in consistency of that specific point of reference then combined with/in the present example reason for referencing it. Each time being that point of reference and the addition of a different introduction of variables with a given present example within the continuance relationship. ~

This as well then being true of other points of reference to and with such examples of consistent representation. ~

So in that then, it isn't necessarily a symmetrical split in the tree so to speak. ~

I would imagine then that the pattern in that motion of such reference, is then quite similar in some degree with that developing motion in chronological personality which is appearing in loose consistency within the work itself. ~

In a larger consideration then, this presents the indication that such concerns as good and evil aren't concerns of night and day. ~

Further, that even known infractions serve potentially as even better points of contact/reference - than do others, suggesting then even more potential importance in effect of positions and presence of variations due to pronounced percentage level in a sort of imprint. ~

Such would stand to reason in regard to theological idea(s), given that within the context of good and evil, both tend to focus upon, and have a use for even the presence of supposed transgressions - for what ever reason. ~

21:15 describes the rights of first born sons. Incredible contradiction concerning the majority of what Israel is built on - being the youngest son. ~

There must be a deeper reason for such - especially the obvious manipulations which rendered the youngest having received the blessings of the eldest. Considering it, and further the willingness of the mother in that instance to commit the deception, perhaps the eldest - Esau - was of a different sire all together? Perhaps deeper than a proximity effect concerning the described differences between Jacob and Esau, and in considering the various instances where it was said to have been at least a possibility of her engaging in intercourse with another during their travels? That Esau was not really the eldest son of their marriage, but was only treated as such - other than blessings? ~

02/05/2007 As a note in thought while transposing these notes - perhaps it even had to do with an inversion of perception. More so recognized perception so to speak? A level of attention within the perceptions which somehow rendered Jacob being seen somehow as having the right to the first born privilege - and within such an inversion of perception, was then seen as being more of a focal point than was the eldest? For example; Jacob being the youngest most often would focus attention on Esau as the eldest, where within their relationship, Esau probably gave little attention toward Jacob - commonly as per modern sibling relationships, such would stand to reason especially considering the described interests of Esau and out door activities.

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